Jul 13, 2011 10:02
As a chunk of you are aware, there's been a lot of recent IC drama with the KH cast. Sora, Naoto, Riku (and I know I still need to tag that thread, guys DX), and now Xion have all had not so pleasant encounters with Vanitas lately.
But, there is hope! This is a call out to anyone who's friendly with the victims in question, or just close to the casts in general who's interested in doing something about this. Liiiiike forming a spur of the moment mob or hunting party to go deal with Vanitas.
Timeline wise, Xion was attacked on Tuesday and the mob should be formed today or we could push it to Thursday if that would ICly give more characters time to sort things out. Only problem is I'll be out of town starting tomorrow and won't have posting access until Saturday, so the backdated log for the end will go up at the first chance.
TL;DR USE THIS POST FOR PLOTTING. WHO WANTS IN ON THIS, and do you guys want this to be contained in one big log post, or do you want a lot of it to be assumed over the journals, and just culminate into one, final log? Or would journal posts clog up peoples' f-lists?
Oh, and one other thing to note that I derped on. Vanitas has Naoto's gun, but it only has three bullets remaining. So if anyone would like to give me permission to have Vanitas shoot at them, drop me a note here.