For Leni

May 29, 2011 20:29

Happy Birthday leni_ba, I hope you're having a wonderful day *HUGS*

This one's not beta-ed but for you, hope you like it...

By: lucey
Disclaimer: Joss&Co. own everything
Rating: PG, Angst, Fluff
Pairing: B/A
AN: Set after BtVS S7 and Ats S5, not too far into the future
Dedication: For Leni. Happy Birthday!

It’s her birthday.

He remembers.

Of course he remembers. Sometimes it seems it is all he does.

Sometimes he wonders how it is that a mind doesn’t simply explode from storing too many memories.

Not that he wants to forget about her - or her birthday - it’s just that sometimes the idea of forgetting, of denial seems too tempting, luring him with the treacherous offer of being able to forget, just for a while. Because it hurts. And he’s so tired of hurting. Even though the feeling is probably the one that has kept him alive for many years.

He often tries to imagine how her birthday parties might have been like. Did she dress up as a princess with her friends? Go skating? Did she have a piñata? Did she fall asleep at the end of the day with a happy smile on her face, the taste of ice cream and candy bars still in her mouth, Mr. Gordo safely tucked into her arms?

Her 17th birthday he remembers. How could he ever forget? On that day she had given herself to him completely and what did she receive in return? A world filled with pain, her life a constant nightmare. Quite the gift to give. Definitely one to leave a lasting impression. Sometimes he wishes She will be able to forget, some day.

How bizarre it feels that even after all they had been through he had been around - again - to see her on her 18th birthday. Still scared. Still tied to a job she didn’t pick for herself. Still so young and yet still there. And close to him. He still remembers the look on her face as she unwrapped the book: confusion. And yet, happiness even if it was just for the simple gesture of receiving a present. He knew she wouldn’t get the meaning behind the words the book included, not now. Maybe never. But she understood the one word written by him.


On her 19th birthday he had been tempted to call. To do…something. But he ignored every urge he had, even as Cordelia asked him if he wanted her to sign his name on the card she had picked out. Too fresh the memories of that day, the one she had to forget and the one that would forever be imprinted inside his mind no matter what he was about to face. He knew she was with someone else now. Following the path he had non-so-gently nudged her to follow as he once again made a decision concerning their future.

Their future, ha.

No matter how busy he was saving the world, there was no way he would not be thinking about her on her 20th birthday. Twenty years and still living. Certainly a record when it came to a Slayer. But he wasn’t surprised. From the minute he had first seen her he knew she was different, special…not just to him. So he looked at her picture and sent her an imaginary toast to the next twenty years. Because there was simply no way he would be able to stand a world without her in it.

And then she died.

When they met after she had taken his call, just back from the dead, she didn’t talk much. She went into his arms, fitting there perfectly just like always and let him hold her. He knew that something was wrong but didn’t pressure her, giving her every inch of space she needed. After all they had been through it seemed like a miracle that she was still there. With him. They had both been gone, somewhere else and yet they had been pulled back into this world, to each other.

They kept in touch through the years, fighting their individual battles, demon-related or not. Before she had taken on the First she had once again asked for time. Time to become herself. And he, reluctantly, agreed, resisting the urge to pull her back into his arms and stand by her side because even after all that had happened he knew that if he was about to die again, he wanted to see her one last time. Forever remembering her face.

Years have gone by. They’ve fought many battles, lost some, won more. When he wrote her a letter for her 23th birthday she simply sent back a text that even though she appreciated the gesture she was no longer celebrating her birthday in any way. Faith had been kind enough to inform him that in fact, every mention of the words “Buffy” and “birthday” in one sentence had been banned from their vocabulary. She now seemed to claim the fact that after dying twice and coming back she no longer had a birthday underlining the idea with the fact that the elimination of her birthday meant “one less day of doom”.

So as he shuts the door do their room, he is slightly apprehensive, knowing she still doesn’t like surprises, knowing she doesn’t feel like celebrating special events that involve her (she’s still going crazy if anyone mentions Dawn’s oncoming 21st birthday, having memorized lists of food and activities that would make Willow jealous). She’s still asleep, her arms thrown across the mattress-space he briefly vacated so he tries to move back into bed, hoping that today he will manage to return unnoticed.

As if he could fool a Slayer. His Slayer.

“Where’veyoubeen?” she mumbles, moving closer to him.

“Just downstairs. I was thirsty.”

She seems to contemplate the idea for a few seconds before she opens her eyes to glare at him.


Kissing her temple, he tries to soothe her back to sleep, adjusting to her warmth next to his.


One word. His name. Only she is able to give it a world full of meaning.

“Fine. Open your eyes.”

“What did you do?” she sits up, leaving his arms.

“Happy Birthday”, he mumbled, preparing for her reaction.

“It’s not my birthday.”

“It is.”

“No, see…I was born on…”

“I know. I did the math. I added the years of your first life and your second one, meaning this is your new birthday.”

She looks at him for a long while before she moves closer to kiss him. He exhales a sigh of relief into her mouth and keeps kissing her until she breaks away.

“Did you..?”

“I had Willow research the date. There is no day or year in any prophecy ever known that can be connected to this special date and time. I think we’re safe.”

“I love you.”

he kisses him again, smiling against his lips this time and this time he makes sure to remember every second - forever.

The end.

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