Title: Roundabout
Pairing: Lelouch, Suzaku
Fandom: Code Geass
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 153
Notes: I can't help it, Lelouch just oozes brattiness. *throws up hands in surrender*
Summary: Lelouch learns from Day One that Suzaku is one of those people who require frankness to understand.
They’re sitting in the sunshine, staring at each other.
“…I don’t like you,” announces Lelouch, tipping his nose upwards the way Clovis has taught him to.
Suzaku just scowls. “I don’t like you either.” He makes his small hands into fists, hoping he gets to punch the ‘permanent visitor’.
The exiled Britannian prince looks astonished for a moment, before glaring. “You have to,” he insists. “I’m Lelouch vi Britannia, and I’ll tell your father.”
The sturdier of the two just replies, unfazed, “So tell.” His hands itch.
Lelouch stares again, unsure of how to manipulate someone who just refuses to be manipulated. He remembers snorting when Schneizel had warned him that humans weren’t like chess pieces, that they couldn’t be moved around as he liked-and he also remembers throwing a pawn at his older brother’s face when he got checkmated. So he tries another tack:
“Could you please help me tie my shoelaces?”