Title: Shots in the Dark
Author: Lisa
7/100Chapter List:
Previous ChaptersRating: G
Fandom: BtVS/CSI
Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Buffy/Nick
Genre: Drama
Summary: He’d re-read the reports numerous times on the way over to see Robbins hoping that he’d missed something the first dozen times. It was a shot in the dark hoping that Robbins had forgotten to note his findings; at this point he was willing to try any lead.
Challenge: Prompt#041: Doctor Written for
tth100Spoilers: NA
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright of Joss Whedon & Mutant Enemy. No infringement intended. CSI and all related characters are copyright of Anthony E. Zuiker, Jerry Bruckheimer Television & CBS. No infringement intended.
Distribution: Not without permission from myself.
AN: Thanks to all the wonderful congratulations, you’re all very sweet. Huge endless thanks to both Ava and Ponder for editing this installment.
Nick pulled the white, standard issue lab coat closer to his body, warding off the cold blast of air as he opened the heavy steel doors to the morgue.
“Hey Doc, you have a moment?”
Doctor Al Robbins continued to stay bent over the dead body he was currently prepping for autopsy. “Make it fast, Nick. Day shift brought in a triple homicide.” Releasing his hold on the nozzle spray that he was using to wash the body, the spring recoiled and lifted the apparatus back up towards the ceiling.
“It’s about the mucopurulent found on Mr. Carlson, were there any lacerations that could’ve caused an infection?” Nick flipped open the autopsy reports, skimming the information once more. He’d re-read the reports numerous times on the way over to see Robbins hoping that he’d missed something the first dozen times. It was a shot in the dark hoping that Robbins had forgotten to note his findings; at this point he was willing to try any lead.
With a heavy sigh Robbins pulled his thick black-framed glasses off his face and let them dangle off the chain that secured them around his neck. “As per my autopsy report,” Robbins nodded towards the Texan, “the one you’re holding. The only laceration was from the C.O.D. None of my findings explained the mucopurulent.”
“Right.” Nick paused for a beat and decided to try another tactic, one that wouldn’t cause Robbins to give him that look. The one he used to get when he was rookie and he’d just asked a dumb question. “Have you ever seen anything like that before?”
“I was thinking it was…” Loud ringing from his cell cut Nick off.
Looking down at the number on the caller ID, Nick quickly pulled his phone out of its holder and flipped it open. Flashing an apologetic smile to Robbins he turned around and headed towards the hall. “Ms. Summers. I’m glad you called.”
Completed: July 7, 2008