Catia Chen does amazing art, Have your read any of the stories she has done for Flight? she illustrated the Belle and Sebastian song Get me away from here, I am dying. I need to do some traveling, I always come home more energized and motivated.
OH! I didn't know she did the Belle and Seb. song..i gotta check that out! I met her at the Renegade art fair in Chicago...I had some t-shirts there and was just browsing tents. Her work is even more stunning in person...just has such a rich, ethereal feeling to it...I crave. :-) Yes, traveling seems to be where it's at. I think I could do it for the rest of my life no problem...$$ is the only issue there. But, why work to live. :-) Even taking a new route to work/school....going half an hour outside your own city...sometimes that will do the trick. It's probably pretty snowy up your way? I'm getting too cold here...I have to make some changes. :-)
That is cool that you got to meet her. It is really snowy here, yesterday we got about 6 inches. I have to go out soon and snow blow. Have you ever thought about doing the Peace Corps or America Corps or some other volunteer group that lets you travel to different places? that might be away to travel and save some money. I am making a lot of changes in my life right now.
Yeah, but I don't know how keen they are with bringing kids. :-) I have two small ones. I'm trying to move to NY right now...I'm hoping from there to be able to travel a lot...a better job opportunity in the works. I just hate working to live, you know? If I could...I would pack a bag and travel until the day I died. If I had a way to sing/play music...that's all I need. :-) What kind of changes? How far are you with school?
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