When right wing media wonks would beat on Harry Belafonte I thought they were just picking on the guy. However, Harry made the following speech in Caracas Venezuela
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Toshiba has introduced the world's first line of consumer HD DVD players. They look like huge black boxes - bigger than my first VCR back in the top loading days. $800 and $500 US - I wonder how fast the prices will fall (keep in mind this player costs 30 times more than the $25 Walmart cheapo DVD player
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A friend was asking what game system he should buy, and I'm of course biased toward the Xbox. Not only does the Xbox have the best technology for less than $200, it is by far the best media centre for under $200
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I just finished watching Shade ( http://imdb.com/title/tt0323939/ ), a movie about hustlers playing poker. Some of the poker rules they break are just unbelievable. I don't know if they broke the rules on purpose, or out of ignorance, but I found it very hard to get over the simple
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