I am an Aryan Satanist Who Keeps Kosher (usually and somewhat), I am disappointed with the imprisonment of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, the Kosher Slaughterhouse Proprietor Who is imprisoned on flimsy 'financial fraud' charges
how do I get Rubashkin out of prison and back in business?
I. Is it possible to steal from thieves? Financial institutions which have violated the basis free market capitalism by demanding taxpayer bailouts are playing the victim, in capitalism, when your business fails, you (get unemployment and) find a new job, instead, tax payers and honest straighforward hard-working people take the blame?
II. Bernie Madoff stole billions and got 176 years, Rubashkin 'stole' millions, shouldn't his sentence before getting anulled at least be limited to 1/1000th of the comparative?
III. Muslim religion allows for bestiality and selling this unclean meat to non-muslims, aren't we going after the wrong guy here? Can't we put the Muslim butchers to a little scapegoat action, at least for the 9-11 thing?
(I walk into the store, Muslims get served meat from the counter, and non-muslims receive special 'stinky' meat from the back room, this is corrupt business in America. I'm not even sure the raccoons ate it)