The certain little things in my life sometimes hold so much pleasure and meaning. A friend and I visited a japanese supermarket to explore new idiosyncracies, and in particular, i spent much of the time at the candy/snack aisle
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orange honeylucidtearsFebruary 24 2004, 00:36:22 UTC
I acquired my jar of Orange Honey for $4 at Farmer's Market. It is at home.
I am currently in my dormitory, and I visit home once every couple weeks, and every time I do, I stick a pinky in my jar and enjoy it to indescribable heights of joy.
I know it sounds gross, but honey is intensely antibacterial.
I would be able to send you some, but I don't know how to put in tiny tubes! It's hard to send honey safely, lol.
Hmm to be completely honest I'm not 100% sure either. I believe it's a fruit... or nut... goodness! But it's incredibly tart, tangy, sweet, fresh and has the same punch as a tart juicy orange, but with a completely new, different flavor. I really wish I can try the real lycheel :(
holy coincidence batman! i bought a can-o'lychee nuts tonight so my kids could try them. they dig 'em now too. we're white as all get-out but live in a pretty heavily asian area so have access to all sorts of good food. the japanese are crazy with the candy packaging though...i bought them some gummys and each one was individually wrapped. all the stuff is like that though. they individually wrap pears and stuff. the landfill business must be excellent in japan. oh well. it all tastes damn good.
LCYHEE nuts??? What're those? Sounds so delicious, and you have a whole can of it! ::seethes in envy:: I seriously am desperate to try this, how did you get it? I really wish I can taste this! Is it sweet yet tangy and fresh and tart? oh geeeeeezzzz
Comments 25
I am currently in my dormitory, and I visit home once every couple weeks, and every time I do, I stick a pinky in my jar and enjoy it to indescribable heights of joy.
I know it sounds gross, but honey is intensely antibacterial.
I would be able to send you some, but I don't know how to put in tiny tubes! It's hard to send honey safely, lol.
What is a lychee? *squints* Is it a NUT? I heard it's a nut. Bear with me, I'm not a smart panda. ^_^;;
i felt the urge to share this with you.
LCYHEE nuts??? What're those? Sounds so delicious, and you have a whole can of it! ::seethes in envy:: I seriously am desperate to try this, how did you get it? I really wish I can taste this! Is it sweet yet tangy and fresh and tart? oh geeeeeezzzz
nitey nite nite
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