Yay for bandwagons!

Sep 30, 2005 01:23

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Where would kao_ko most like to visit? Japan
2) Does vashthestampied have a big secret? Yes. He's really gay =)
3) Which of your friends should tc_tallchick go out with? Jared :D
4) Is tc_tallchick athletic? Yep
5) If youko_ashura was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Jake Kaplon
6) Is genkani related to you? Nah
7) What is alaes_kadaken's biggest flaw? Can't handle rejection
8) If silly_private and on_toast were spliced together, what would it be like? OMGWTFBBQ
9) Is on_toast dead sexy? I guess?
10) What would the_pyroboy do differently in your shoes? Hmm... Everything?
11) What is vashthestampied allergic to? Logic
12) Does hatred_kittie have a dog? I think so
13) Would you wrestle _openwound_ in jello? OMG YES. Maybe.
14) Is the_pyroboy a college student? Define college
15) vashthestampied's hair color? Brown. Dyes it black, though
16) Would superjew619 and playful_puck make a good couple? Derek would annihilate her with his nerdiness
17) What video game does on_toast remind you of? I can't remember exactly who toast is. If its who I think, then... SSBM.
18) Do _openwound_ and silly_private go to the same school? When Jared did go to school, no.
19) What is _calicien_'s favorite game? Anything involving LOTR?
20) Would the_pyroboy and hatred_kittie look good together? LMAO no.
21) What is playful_puck's shoe size? 7?
22) What animal should the_pyroboy be combined with? A snake
23) If vashthestampied and alaes_kadaken were siamese twins, where would they be joined? OMG YES! THIS COUPLE! Teh buttsecks.
24) Do you think on_toast is hot? Didn't you already ask if she was sexy?
25) Would you set up alaes_kadaken and hatred_kittie? Nah.
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