A Moment Elapsed

Nov 23, 2007 03:13

Title: A Moment Elapsed
Author: Lucifer Hisaki (mercy_slays/luciferhisaki)
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Blood+
Pairing: David/Kai Miyagusuku
Summary: David without any inhibitions was a man to be wary of, but also a man to be disappointed in.
Word Count: 1000, even
For: 10pastryhearts's week #4 challenge prompt: Inhibitions

A Moment Elapsed

David without any inhibitions was a man to be wary of, but also a man to be disappointed in. The blond drank more and more liquor despite how many times Kai would pour them down the drain. The man had no shame in it. Kai wondered if the older man was trying to drink himself to death-or find some inner peace (which was by all means impossible in Kai’s honest opinion)-often thinking if he and Lewis weren’t there that David would just finally die of starvation or over-intoxicating himself with alcohol.

Then again, maybe the older man would just continue life as a doll or some empty mannequin with blank eyes and an emptier heart. Kai would watch the blond out of the corner of his eye if he was in the same room as him. It was unnerving to watch the man he thought of as his mentor (just less than a year before all this started) drinking to his deathbed. There was no passion, no anger, no heat or blaze in that man’s soul. In fact, if Kai didn’t know better, he would never recognize David.

It didn’t take much to set him off, though, but those bouts of anger passed by quickly. One only had to do was bring up Red Shield and how it “sank” before David would assault the speaker (usually Kai himself) but then the fire-the passion-would just vanish. It was sad.

Kai often wondered if this was how he was when he couldn’t play baseball before shrugging it off. That was different in his mind but maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t that far apart. Kai was devoted to baseball and David’s love was the Red Shield. Two different worlds but the focus was the same, in most cases.

Sighing softly, Kai raked a hand through his hair then a bare forearm to wipe away the sweat. David was sitting in the garden, near the entrance of the house. In his hand was a bottle of scotch. No doubt he managed to hide that from Kai’s earlier performance of pouring away all the liquor. David’s eyes were on the ground; Kai watched from the shadows of the trees before turning away to smile at Nahabi and Javier when they came back with Monique from the river, holding a large fish. Despite being distracted, he could feel David’s eyes on his back as if Kai wasn’t there.

The redhead noticed often that he was being watched from behind, but he shrugged; it was nothing usual or different from anything else David did. Let David do what he wanted. David was a listless man in a world of no focus. Kai had all the focus he wanted now despite losing his brother and possibly his adoptive sister. He had a world to protect; a future to make better. It was all he had left now, but at least he was doing something. Unlike David.

Scoffing inwardly, Kai waved as the two children left with Monique to find Gray, turning around enough to look at the entrance of the house, trying to see if David was still there or if he had went back inside. No one was sitting on the stoop, but there was a sense that Kai was still being watched from behind. The teen turned around; hand unconsciously reaching for the Colt at the base of his spine. He blinked when he saw David so close to him.

When had he moved?

Kai opened his mouth to ask what the blond wanted. He was interrupted.

Firm lips covered his. A hand gripped his wrist (the same wrist belonging to the arm grappling the hilt of the gun), tight and firm. Kai was pulled flush against the older male, mouth open in slight surprise, eyes widening in confusion. David’s tongue delved inside his mouth. The younger male tasted liquor, scotch and an underlying husky taste that was utterly David’s. Kai’s other hand braced itself against David’s shoulder, pushing against the drunkard hard but still the other man persisted, deepening the kiss enough to make the redhead moan.

Kai’s hand flexed before relaxing, eyes closing shut. David was a man without inhibitions. There was no meaning to this, despite Kai wanting it to have some. No reason, no agenda. David didn’t do anything like that anymore. The David Kai remembered was gone, lost in time and now there was only a man who lives by the bottle. Disgusting.

A name fell from David’s lips, murmured against Kai’s as the hot tongue ravaged the contours of Kai’s mouth, stroking against his own moist muscle. David’s arms tightened around him, pressing Kai closer against his body. A groan emerged from David’s throat. The name was repeated once more.

Kai’s eyes opened sharply before narrowing.

Renewed resolution filled Kai’s body. He bit hard on David’s tongue, causing the other man to cry out and back away. His fist landed against the other’s stomach before either could realize. Kai glared and turned away, hands clenched tightly, nails biting into his palms; any harder and they would break through the barrier of skin. His teeth gritted against each other, jaws tightening, muscles all over Kai’s body tensing, back stiffening. Anger raged through his body, heating his glare at the blond who remained flat against the green grass.

Kai snarled, eyes flashing before he turned swiftly and moved away. He marched to the house and had enough self control not to slam the door shut. David was a bastard; a madman. He had no focus, no cause; no reason to believe in something.

So what if he sulks and mopes and drowns himself in alcohol?

Kai didn’t care but he did care about one thing and David, a man with no inhibitions toward anything worth believing, worth doing; who wanted only to think of himself and not care about anything else but did the one thing Kai wanted to hate him even more for.

“I am not Julia.”


Oh, god. My first Blood+ Fic and I think this might just be the first David/Kai fic in english but I could be wrong. ^_^; I hope so, since I am totally in love with this “couple” if you can call them that. xD;;

Anyway, I live off your reviews. Really. So please feed me?

character: kai miyagusuku, post: fan fiction, character: david, fandom: blood plus, misc: challenge, community: 10_pastryhearts, rating: pg-13

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