
Oct 15, 2007 21:02

My weekend. Well. It pretty much boils down to inarticulate fangirl squeeing. I went to the school drama monologues on Friday and spent time with my awesome friends, but that pales in comparison to Saturday and Sunday.

I went to a NERD CONVENTION aka the Armageddon Expo aka a Multimedia Expo!!1!

And zomg yayz, I met ALAN TUDYK! And JOE FLANIGAN! JOE! Flanigan! He of the sentient hair!


I went to Alan's two panels, and saw completely unaired behind-the-scenes footage from Serenity and Firefly. And Alan just wins, so much. I asked him what it was like kissing Heath Ledger, and he spoke of Heath's soft skin, the photo Heath took during rehearsal, and that he and Jake Gylenhall should compare. And, THERE'S TALK OF A SERENITY II! And, if there is, Alan Tudyk will definitely be involved.


And Sunday, ohmygod, Sunday. There was Joe Flanigan. And his panel was fantastic. Someone asked whether John and Rodney's chemistry translated into real life. His answer was "Uh, it's platonic..." And then, because they are clearly sadistic, they made him taste Vegemite (an Australian spread made of yeast that tastes absolutely SHOCKING)and the look on his face. It was ':(' but exaggerated.

And then, because AMY IS SERIOUSLY THE MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER I got a signature from Joe Flanigan. And because I am completely pathetic, I gave him flowers. And he liked them. And he said thanks. And. Just. Yes.

And then I went to a Linkin Park concert for free! And that was incredible also.

Things I have bought this weekend:
- a SGA t-shirt with John and Rodney (I met Joe Flanigan wearing a picture of him on my chest)
- 3 Buffy figurines, one of Wesley from Ring of Fire, Faith with the Crossbow and Angel from The Ring
- 2 Jossverse/Firefly icons, one of the mummy saying 'grrr argh' and one of naked!Mal saying 'Captain No Pants'
- a Serenity calico bag
- a Full Metal Alchemist hoody (hoodie?)
- official SGA photos of Rodney and John
- an autograph from Joe Flanigan
- a photo with Alan Tudyk (which I really really have to email to collect)

Photosssssssssss (I'm the one with the SGA shirt and plaits)

JOEEEEE! courtesy of rilestar who I met in queue for Joe Flanigan. *waves*


linkin park, nerd convention, photos, serenity, alan tudyk, fandom: sga, fandom: firefly, joe flanigan

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