I wish I knew how to quit you

Apr 14, 2010 00:55

Sigh. Oh Gossip Girl, I thought I'd finally managed to kick that nasty habit. But then I saw that there I saw that there were gonna be Dan/Blair scenes over at daretodair  AND OBVIOUSLY I HAD TO WATCH. Admittedly I skipped all the scenes that didn't have Dair or Carter in them (boring show is still boring jfc) but, but...

DAN AND BLAIR, BLAIR AND DAN! they had actual scenes together! He told her she deserved someone who loved her!

I usually laugh at people who watch shows purely for the ship, but Gossip Girl is my major exception. i mean I'm not gonna be watching it for the great writing am I?

As for real life. I've been ridiculously busy recently because I spent the last week and a half at a crammer course in my desperate need to actually get the 2 A's and a B that I need to get into Uni. I'M SO HAPPY IT'S OVER! The 12 hour days writing a fuckton of essays were killing me. On the plus side, I know everything you could possibly ever want to know about Bolshevik Russia, Wuthering Heights or the Supreme Court so that's good, I suppose.

I've spent today catching up on Tee Vee. For example the latest episode of LOST, my reaction to which was thus...



Also, THANK FUCK the writers are finally starting to explain the alterna-timeline because, tbh, I haven't liked the flashsideways themselves all that much.

Having said that this was easily my least favourite Desmond-centric episode, I found some of the writing to be a bit... cheesy (the scene where alt!Des and alt!Penny first meet was perfect, however). Honestly, with the exception of Richard's episode,  I AM DISAPPOINT with the quality of the final season, especially after how much I loved seasons 4 and 5. SORT IT OUT DARLTON.

And, obviously, I watched the new Doctor Who. I didn't like this episode as much as last weeks. It had good ideas but it was all a bit muddled. Moffat isn't as good at creating really memorable, three dimensional, one off characters as RTD used to be either (Liz 10 didn't work for me at all).

Matt Smith continues to be MADE OF AWESOME, though. He was much more of  a 'mad professor' in this which I loved. I also think his dramatic stuff was very convincing (I was less convinced with the writing though, it all came a bit out of nowhere).

Daleks and Churchill next week though, GOOD STUFF.


tellybox, tv show: lost, lol gossip girl, tv show: doctor who

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