Closer. No hesitation. Give me all that you have.

May 15, 2006 11:11

I'm not really handling anything of much that well lately. Things are getting to me. I had an accident. I need to take a step back and I need to really not let these things get to me. I have five things comforting me at the moment, and I can't get enough of them ( Read more... )

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Comments 32

_honeyspider May 15 2006, 11:10:01 UTC


lucilu May 16 2006, 00:32:01 UTC
*hugs* to you too. I'm sorry for your loss :(


confusiontempst May 18 2006, 11:05:05 UTC
In a note at all related to this thread.
You promised me alcohol at parties if I spent my monies on comics instead.
I've been spending my spare monies on comics for -weeks- now.

And I figure I can be certain you're attneding this weeks party.

What's the chances of being able to hit you up for that alcohol, huh?


zakzahn July 4 2006, 19:35:02 UTC
Since I have no other way of contacting you.... Did you get the number of Zombies you needed? Also, what time is your demonstration?


lucilu July 5 2006, 10:30:29 UTC
I think I have a fair few. Are you still planning on being one?

No idea when our demonstration is though. ;)


zakzahn July 5 2006, 10:36:48 UTC
Oh yes, much Zombification for me!


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