Re the Captain Jack Harkness episode - the horror! the horror!
Admittedly he didn't write the episode, but he's got "created by" billing and surely he superintends it more closely than to let that happen? Yet obviously not, because there, in living colour, translated to a wartime ballroom in 1941, is THE PROM SCENE.
OK, so this was Cowlip's finest moment, but Russell, you're scaring us! You put that right back in the dumpster where you found it and go back to doing proper writing, please, or we'll send Brian Kinney over to piss on your next script.
There were many other things I disliked about this episode (including that after 51 centuries our Captain still can't work out he's being cruised - puh-lease!), but it's too painful to go on. I've been thinking Torchwood was a silly show for a while, but now we now what KIND of silly show.