From messenger with love : chap 11/?? Reita x Ruki

Jun 06, 2010 00:32

Title - From messenger with love~
chapter - 11/??
Author - lucisa  andtantalicious 
beta reader - daitalover 
Genre - crack, fluff
Rating - PG - 13 for now
Characters - The gazette, alice nine
Pairings - mainly Reita x Ruki, Tora x Aoi, Kai x Uruha
Warnings - foul language, sissy ruki, unbeta-ed
Disclaimers - we bought reita and ruki for our wedding gift just ( Read more... )

fics, yaoi

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Comments 48

miyabi_is_dead June 6 2010, 01:18:19 UTC kira bener2 bulan depan bakal di-update...huhuhuhuhu...

But but but buuuuuuuuuuuuut.......RUKI WAS SUCH A CUTIE~~~~~~~

Come un you guys....update lageeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~


lucisa June 6 2010, 12:19:06 UTC
monggo hajar si ntan *kabur brg panda* ane aj kaget pas dy apdet trus blg klo bkl apdet bln dpn =3= geblek tu ank...

bini eke so pasti lucu lah~ *d buang k laot ama massa*

d tunggu aj apdetan dr ntan jeng~~


(The comment has been removed)

lucisa June 6 2010, 12:19:47 UTC
artinya : jgn trlalu gmpg percaya apapun yg tantalicious blg (///∇//)

jahat loe =3=


dinakebod June 6 2010, 05:43:28 UTC
buakakak . Si reirei dudul banget sih ngomentarin assnya ruki *yang emang seksoy itu* di pertemuan pertama XD

ah coba ngga ada telepon si reirei kan bisa ngomong banyak =3=

untung aja ngga jadi di apdet bulan depan kalo ngga *nyiapin barang buat lempar mba lucisa XD *

apdet jangan lamaaaa


lucisa June 6 2010, 12:21:20 UTC
rei bnr sih, assnya si ruki emg hot
(///∇//) mreka bklan 'ngomong' lbh bnyk kok ntar~ (///∇//)

lohhh itu bkn salah saiaa~ slahkan ntan ane aj kaget dy blg apdet bln depan XD sableng tu bocah XD
skrg silakan todong tan2~~


hazuki_chisa June 6 2010, 07:28:19 UTC
Tantan penipuuuuuuu!!!! DX
anjrot, kirain beneran bulan depan...

“Wow… you really do have a sexy ass…”
ROFL~ begok bener Reita XDDDDD

sekarang saatnya nodong tantan~ XDDDD


lucisa June 6 2010, 12:22:39 UTC
GWAKAKAKAAK hati2lah sm ntan dy nggigit *kabur*

klo ga begok bkn reita namanya
*ngasi clurit* monggo silakan todong~


chou_ku June 7 2010, 00:42:06 UTC
WEW! Atlast! ohhohohoh...Rei is way too shy and stupid!

HEY! You said you will post this next made me sad all the week and then its here!!!
Thank you so much!!!


lucisa June 7 2010, 13:48:04 UTC
it wouldn't be Reita if he isn't stupid XD lol *is slapped with bass*

wait! it's not me XDXDXD tantalicious did actually i'm a bit surprised to see her write things about that XD


chou_ku June 8 2010, 03:17:22 UTC
-gets some cold towel-
oh here...this will help you a lil! that sooo...
So-sorry ne...


lucisa June 8 2010, 12:45:48 UTC
LOL!!! thank you ///w/// although i prefer a naked ruki *is thrown over the cliff*

no worries XD go blame tantalicious
LOLLLLL she just love making jokes =w=


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