Date: Technically October 24, 2009, but I mean, it's 2:32 a.m. I still feel like it's the 23rd.
Written: spur of the moment right now, because it's on my mind.
'Kay, so, like the title says.
I'm still being a clingy little bitch.
Y'know how you're usually the one to call me? And I usually just text you?
Yeah, well, I really had to talk to you today/yesterday (not even because I had anything important to say, I just need to talk to you!) so I actually called you.
I figured, Maybe she's doing that thing I do when I wait and see if someone calls me first.
That's a brilliant fucking idea! I decided.
So, I dialed your number in Longs today/yesterday, and waited while it rang the first few times.
Then the call just cut out.
I frowned, looking at the screen of my phone. No voicemail? Huh. Maybe the call got dropped.
So I checked my reception and stood still, and called again.
This time, as it rang, I thought, Oh shit. What if she doesn't want to talk to me right now and she's ignoring me? What if she rejected my call?
As soon as I could form the thought, the call cut out again! No voicemail!
I checked the screen. "CandyApples has ended the call".
What the hell do you mean, ended the call? What fucking call?
So I called one more time, just 'cause I'm a stubborn bitch, and this time it made it to voicemail.
I left an awkward sounding message about how I was bored and in Longs and Athena and Sheryl and them had gone to the park to do "dakine", and I was calling 'cause I haven't talked to you since Monday, and then, really clumsily, "and, umm, I, uh, missyou. Hah. So... yeah."
Real smooth, Luci. Real smooth.
I haven't gotten the chance to tell you about this yet, (obviously, seeing as I haven't heard from you pretty much ALL WEEK, and I just made this profile tonight/last night,) so it's kind of dumb for me to be addressing it here.
But, I mean, maybe I won't tell you about this Journal thingy and let you stumble across it somehow...
Or just maybe sort of mention it in conversation.
I was small kine freaking to Sheryl (over text) about the whole thing, and ended it with, "Ohh, my I'm such a pathetic, clingy bitch! ...I'm such a little white girl. XD"
And then most of the rest of the conversation was her convincing me it was normal behaviour for someone on the "taken train".
Typing it all out makes it seem really small and stupid. Like I'm doing that thing where I freak over nothing and make something really big out of something really small.
You're probably just cruisin with your friends, and here I am, texting you every five minutes and being really ridiculous.
Ohh my.
I'm going to sleep now.