Small Things

Oct 13, 2012 00:42

Title: Small Things
Author: Lucius_Complex
Beta:  none
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Rating: G
Genre: drabble [ 100 x 5]
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JKR, which is just as well as I would do such unspeakable things to them.
A/N: I've never written a Snarry Drabble before :P

Summary: Sometimes the small things are good enough.


They sat stiffly in bed that night, keeping a careful distance between their bodies, each person barricaded behind the relative safety of a book.

Until Harry couldn’t stand it anymore.

‘I know you didn’t mean to say his name. I know that.’

There was hardly a flicker on Severus’ face as he flipped a page. ‘I hardly know what you speak of.’



Frustrated, Harry allowed his book to drop from his hands. ‘Why’s it so hard to acknowledge that you miss him, and its ok?’

‘I do not miss him,’ Severus snapped. ‘I’m merely unused to renewed…  cohabitation.’



‘I’m sorry it has to be me again this year.’

Harry brushed the stray leafs away and placed the flowers carefully in front of the tomb, his knees complaining as he stood up again.

‘We both know what a stubborn bastard he is, even after all these years,’ his voice softens. ‘He’d die before admitting it, but he still misses you. I’ve got him now and I promise to take care of him, but-‘

He broke off; took in the quiet. The chirp of crickets. The susurrus of wind.

‘I’ll never fill the hole you left, Draco.’



Harry looked up when a shadow fell over the Sports Section.

‘Why do you torture yourself like this? It’s ridiculous.’

‘Flipping though Quidditch scores is hardly hazardous, Severus.’

‘Do you think I’m blind?’ Severus snarled. ‘I’m sick of seeing those wistful half-baked expressions come in with the owlpost every morning. If you can’t handle watching the world go on without you, cancel that rag for crying out loud.’

‘Don’t talk to me about moving on unless you decide to do so yourself,’ Harry slammed his fist on the papers.

‘I have moved on. With you.’

‘Have you really?’




The world spun so fast these days, it’s hard to keep track of what happens beyond.

Weather permitting; it was common for them to take long walks in the evening, Harry swinging a basket full of cuttings or toadstools or whatever Severus gathered on their rambling jaunts.

It was often the highlight of their day, and sometimes they stayed late enough to catch the moribund sun receding into the distant hills.

Severus once mentioned that Draco wouldn't have had the maturity to appreciate such a modest tradition.

It should have warmed Harry’s heart, but in truth it made him sad.



Harry blinked at the contraption. ‘What is it?’

His partner huffed. ‘As I’ve already mentioned, it’s an airborne vehicle that accommodates injury or balance issues.’

‘It looks… sporty.'  Like a cross between a vacuum cleaner and a kiddy race car.

Severus didn’t meet his gaze. ‘It’s not a broom. You can’t go that fast. Nor indulge in those ridiculous feints. You might use it for some sort of… alternative sport, if you find fools enough to go along.’

Harry smiled. ‘Senior Citizen Quidditch had a nice ring to it.’

‘Idiot,’ Severus scoffed as he went through the door. ‘Don’t forget the basket.’


harry potter, drabbles

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