*I saw Les Mis with Nick today , it was so good to see him, i havent hung out w/ him in a long time ... good times :)*
Pigged out LITERALLY at Les Mis but i feel alright, FOOD GETS YOU SKINNY
Things arent the same, your not who i thought you'd be.
I went out to the Borders near Great Lakes Crossing yesterday and guess what they had...THE BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE DVD!! yes thats right!!! Borders on Woodward doesnt sell it but that one did! i was sooo excited! I'm bummed Lisa didn't like it, because its THE BEST MOVIE EVER!
hmm,i was late to the play , it was funny but i hate it when my dad and sue get worked up over dumb ass things!!
I'm Listening to B*Witched! bo yahh
I think after i post this i'm going downstairs to play DDR~ HELL YEA!
I have crushes on a lot of ppl...whats up with that, and a lot happen to be effin straight, i know, it sucks ass!
AMY HUN call me sometime this week so we can scheduale something, sorry so sorry we didn't get to meet over the weekend, :(..i hope your doing well, call me if you need ANYTHING ANYTHING AT ALL!
Kaila...i just needed to talk to you today. You were the first one i called, i still wanna update you and talk to you so get on !!!or call my cell when you are free ok babes?!
so oooooooooooo many thoughts i can't post in here because there are ppl out there that i dont want to read them, and the other i just simply can't explain with these "words" that the human race has created.
I need to do my report on narcolepsy tonight also, ugh . AND my math AND my history! damn hw
OH KAILA! i want to meet you SOON~ i was thinking about you comeing up and staying the week at my house or something?? you could use my computer for your online school thing!:-D what do you think abiout that???