And I'm not just talking about
Schwarzen-whoever's resounding defeat in CA or the election of an
anti-death penalty Democrat to the governor's office in Virginia.
I'm talking about Dover, Pennsylvannia, the rural town that put "Intelligent [sic] Design" in the school cirriculum, thereby sparking an ongoing legal fight about teaching ID in schools. There, voters
kicked out all eight school board members running for re-election who voted to impose ID on innocent schooolchildren. Suprise, suprise, all eight were Republicans, and are now replaced by Democrats.
My favorite quote is from Republican Neanderthal ex-school districter James Cashman, who told the NYTimes "that school spending and a new teacher contract, not intelligent design, were the determining issues. 'We ran a very conservative school board, and obviously there are people who want to see more money spent,' he said." This from a guy who voted to force ID on the schools in order to spark a costly trial on the teaching on Evolution.
There's "Religious" Right education values for you. All the money in the world to oppose science teaching, none to hire science teachers.