I just thought i would share my amusment with you.
::funny stuff said that is not important to you::
Me: ::laughing on the inside...LOUDLY::
Katie: nerd
Me: so? You still love me, correct?
Katie: Duh
Me: seriously, did i even have to ask?
Me: I didnt.
Me: But i like to hear it.
Me: Hahah
Katie: of course you do
Me: You do too right?
Me:of course.
Katie: duh
Katie: so this helicopter was flying over my house
Me: katie dear, who i have known for 6 years. I love you
Me: haha
Katie: and i'm like "It's the paperazzi, they'll do anything for pictures of me"
Katie: I love you too!!
Me: hahahaha
Me: No see...they were looking for some pictures of us.
Katie: oh right
Me: They wanted to make somethig juicy up
Katie: hahaha we had an illegitamite baby
Me: Like "katie coulson and ashleigh schulte are ...no longer awesome"
Me: what a sack of shit that would be
Katie: omg somebody would die drive by style
Me: lmao
Me: But you know, our loyal fans know...we will always be cool
Katie: as long as they stay that way
Me: They will
Me: i dont care how many issues of "the enquirer" or the "star" they read...if they do love us. They will know
::other stuff::
Me: So...im sitting here in my chair and think "wow its really cold but im too lazy to get up and turn the fan off" so...i get up...walk right by the fan to the opposite side of the room and get a blanket. Walk by the fan again, sit down and then think "wow...i'm an idiot"
Katie: hahahahahhahaha
Me: I admit, i am not the brightest crayon in the box
Katie: but that's okay
Me: yes it is
Me: Katie. You are coming to the surf cafe on july 9th
Me: (next saturday)
Me: kay?
Katie: i'll have to see ash
Katie: it all depends on katie's schedule
Me: Just in case your phone gets broken again or anything....im picking you up at 7:30. haha
Me: oh man.
Me: you're right.
Me: Miss i have a job.
Me: Pshhh.
Me: haha
Me: I think you should lie and tell them you're uncle is getting married
Me: so you need the night off because its a night time wedding
Me: and that you will work from open until 3
Katie: hahaha "Uhh...i can't come into work next saturday I think my grandpa is gonna die that day"
Me: No...the wedding one.
Me: Because its not like you could have told them any sooner (duh you wernet workign therea0
Me: and if you are willign to work in the morning...they will be okay.
Me: or they should be.
Me: So, you should try
Me: Because we will have fun.
Me: I promise
Me: cross my heart
Me: hope to die
Katie:well i'll see