I'm bored

Mar 03, 2012 01:18

Pick 5 of your favorite Kpop Groups (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:
  1. DBSK
  2. SS501
  3. F(x)
  4. Shinee
  5. Super Junior

Who is your favorite person from #2:
  • Young Saeng ^^;

Who is your least favorite from #1:
  • Yunho....I just don't like him as much as a lot of Cassies. And I know a lot of people say "oh if you don't like all the members blah blah you're not a real fan blah blah" 

What is your favorite song from #4:
  • Quasimodo 

What is your favorite era from #5:
  • I have so many omg. Uhh Sorry Sorry Era, Perfection (SJ-M) Era...blah my feelings

What is your favorite OTP from #3:
  • GeBer (cough cough) :D

What your least favorite OTP from #2:
  • HyunSaeng...never ever.

How long have you been a fan of #1:
  • about 4 years….

Bias in #5:
  • Yesung, Leeteuk and Kibum

Favorite music video in group #4:
  • Ring Ding Dong...Minho's hair...Onew's hair jbafhljvbldsfaf

How did you find out about #3:
  • When Danger/Pinocchio came out I decided to check them out.

Favorite thing about group 4:
  • Dorkiness -nods-

Most played song on your cellphone/ Ipod from group #2:
  • The One

Rank favorite to least from #1, #2, #5:
  • DBSK = SS501 = Super Junior

Which have you seen more variety shows from #1, #3:
  • Sadly...no ;A;

If you could be anyone from #4 who would you be?:
  • Taemin ^^

Who would you hang out the most with in #5:
  • sdhnfd Yesung

What would you change about #3:
  • Not much \o/ Maybe for Amber to have longer raps?
Random quote or saying from someone in group #1:
  • "Hey...you want me? I want you." "Oh my god sun!" - Junsu ^^
Would a collab with #2 and #5 work?:
  • jbalieabdfs IN MY MIND YESSSSS -jizz-

Who would you want to meet the most in #3:
  • Amber. 

 If you had to choose between seeing #4 or #2 who would you choose?
  • :o uhhh...#2. jddsad /cries/

group: dbsk, group: ss501, group: super junior, group: f(x), group: shinee

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