i just might move on, i'm dying for the light i'm missing...

Nov 08, 2004 19:14

it's monday and we only have 2 days left of school this week =)

today was the last field hockey practice of the season. it's been a fun one N i'm gonna miss all my awesome girls. 2 more games N it's officially over.

so i found a lot of random pictures and i'm going to post them.

filling up the jacuzzi with bubbles is FREAKiNG AWESOME =)

the giiiirls before the blackout dance

aww kory is just so...happy.

snorkeling in catalina with baracuda! <3

wrote our names in the sand of the private beach in monarch bay

my ONE & ONLY WHOOP and me

del mar fair with some hott chicks

del mar fair photo booths

family night out at friday's

lydia N malin dancing

lyd me molly N malin

los i said SMiLE!

at the gaslamp for the martina mcbride concert

fireworks make us look WHiTE haha

in kayla's backyard on the chair cause she's cool

stevie N me before prom

i just HAD to put this pic on here. kayla was jumping on the bed and she freaking hit her head on the ceiling

me N kayla's sacrifice to the ocean gods of monarch bay

some night we decided to surprise brandon for his birthday

justin and kristen aka whooooopie

sam lydia malin and amanda at homecoming...awww so pretty

last year me kayla and stevie at school

$3,500 shoes at southcoast plaza mall

kirst stevie N me after some awesome water fight in my backyard

before some 3D ride at the wild animal park


kareoke at my house GOOD TiMES

dino world at the wild animal park

hahaha makes me laugh every time i look at it

man i miss this beach

these pictures make me smile cause they bring back the best memories with the BEST people in the world. my friends are the greatest people alive. you all know who you are <3333333
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