alright i guess i can share the news... WE were having a baby.. My brother and lindsay.. but she miscarried today... so that was the exciting news... but nevermind..It wasnt the right time and now they can have there wedding right when they needed too.. but oh well..It'll happen again.. it just wanst ment to be.. later haters
i am SO GOD DAMN fucking EXCITED about this fucking news i just want to share it so bad!... But cant ugh! i will soon! =) i am ear to ear with grins! ( like, i said before it may not be the right time, but im happier then a pig in mud) 10 days till my birthday <3
So i started working out again ( which is good for me ) I joined a gym with my Friend courtney. So every morning that we work together the gym calls=)or whenever we decide to go i need to lose more weight before the end of summer. SO i really want to spill this news i have bottled up inside but i freakin cant cuz people read this! im freakin
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this past weekend was very interesting. I went to pride 05 which for you people that dont know is for gays.. My 2 really good friends are lesbians and they wanted me to share what they have and what its like. which is awesome they wanted to include me in their life. I sported a equal rights sticker and was told by there friends i was the coolest
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