The reasons to include a doctor in the practice of torture is in order to preserve the life of the victim. Unfortunately, preserving life is not the same as doing no harm. In fact, it can be argued that by preserving the life of a torture victim, you increase and expand upon the torture that can be inflicted upon him.
Not only should the doctors lose their licenses, they should be locked up along with whoever helped them and their superiors who gave the orders. 'Nuff said.
I think it's pretty disgusting, and I definately hold the doctors responsible 100% for the actions they chose to take (or not to take, in the cases of not reporting abuse) but rather than see them thrown to the wolves to salve our conscience as a nation, I would like to see the 'cancer' cut out where it originated, with the people in command who started this whole ball rolling. Those are the ones I'd like to see locked up and the key thrown away. Those are the ones who I'll save my anger for.
If you're going to have doctors assist with executions, I don't see a big difference. Of course, I think torture and executions are pretty much bad ideas, with or without the doctors.
Comments 7
Not only should the doctors lose their licenses, they should be locked up along with whoever helped them and their superiors who gave the orders. 'Nuff said.
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