Fic: Nothing Sweeter

Jan 05, 2009 20:23

I really don't like this one, but you're getting it anyway. I need a rest, lolz.

Title: Nothing Sweeter.
Rating: PG.
Characters/Pairing: Jack, Ianto, Gwen. Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: None. I intended it to be post Exit Wounds, but there are no real spoilers for the episode.
Disclaimer: Don't own it blah blah.
Note: Written for Day Five at redismycolour. For mrs_cj_harkness because she joined me in some theraputic bitching this afternoon.
Word Count: 840
Summary: Jack's dancing in his office (again) and Ianto can't help but be swept up in his enthusiasm.

Nothing Sweeter

I love the winter weather
Because the two of us can get together
There's nothing sweeter, finer
When it's nice and cold I can hold
My baby closer, to me
Collecting all the kisses that are due me
I love the winter weather
Because I've got my love to keep me warm
I love the winter weather
Because the two of us can get together
There's nothing sweeter, finer
When it's nice and cold I can hold
My baby closer, to me
Collecting little kisses that are due me
I love the winter weather
Because I've got my love to keep me warm

Despite his rather foul mood, Ianto softened when he saw Jack dancing enthusiastically around his office, singing along to a song Ianto had never heard before - but liked just because it was Jack singing it. Jack didn't sing much, but when he did he sang loudly (as if he was singing to someone in the stars) and with abandon. Ianto would never admit this to Jack, but he thought Jack had an exquisite voice.

Jack finally realised that he wasn't alone, and turned to give Ianto his most stunning smile. The one that made Ianto breathless with the sheer bloody joy of it.

"Because I've got my love to keep me warm," Jack continued to sing as he approached Ianto, arms out and grin wide. Ianto glanced at him apprehensively, Oh don't even think it, Jack Harkness!

Jack placed both hands on Ianto's waist and gazed at him with wide eyes. "I love the winter weather, because the two of us can get together."

Ianto raised a single eyebrow, giving no other emotion away.

"Oh lighten up, Ianto," Jack whispered in his ear, and the moment was so achingly intimate that Ianto let out a little moan when he exhaled.

Jack started to dance then, and Ianto was so overwhelmed by the gleeful expression on the captain's face that he couldn't stop himself from being swept away by it. Soon they were both dancing wildly around the office and for the first time in a long while, Ianto felt his troubles melt away.

"When it's nice and cold I can hold my baby closer, to me," Jack sang as he drew Ianto even closer to him. Ianto was so close to Jack that he could barely draw breath. "Collecting little kisses that are due me," Jack punctuated each word with a swift, sweet kiss to Ianto's lips.

Deciding he needed to rebel, Ianto cheekily slipped his tongue past into Jack's mouth (hot and sweet). The shift in mood from playful to passionate was instantaneous and Ianto felt positively sinful as he intensified the kiss. A little jolt ran down his spine when Jack whimpered. Whimpered. Captain Jack Harkness shuddering under his hands, was there a bigger thrill than that?

The music continued as Ianto pushed Jack against the nearest available surface, in this case Jack's desk. Ianto pinned Jack there, a hand on each side, and moved his lips to the other man's quivering throat.

"Not that I'm complaining," Jack gasped as Ianto ran his tongue over Jack's Adam's apple, "But wouldn't you rather take this somewhere more comfortable?"

"No," Ianto replied, his answer short and sweet so that he could slide his tongue into Jack's mouth again.

"So Jack," came a voice from close by (and growing closer), "I have those reports you wanted! About the Weevils in Splott."

The two men jumped apart from each other (mid-kiss, thought Ianto sadly) when Gwen suddenly walked into Jack's office, chattering away.

Her mouth opened widely in surprise when she saw her co workers standing beside Jack's desk looking guilty, flustered and well kissed. Ianto thought it was adorable that she seemed to be genuinely shocked every single time she caught them in flagrante - and it'd been a lot of times.

"What's going on in here?" asked Gwen, her eyes were wide and unblinking as she tried to keep her eyes away from anything below their belts (although Ianto was sure he saw her sneak a glimpse at the top of his trousers) afraid of what she might see.

"Well Gwen," began Ianto, with mock seriousness, "When a man and another man like each other very much.." He was swiftly silenced a wink from Jack.

"This is becoming a bit of a habit with you, Gwen," grinned Jack. "You sure you aren't doing it on purpose? If you wanted to watch you only had to say so."

"I am not even going to dignify that with a reply," she said. She was trying to be nonchalant, but her grin cracked the façade.

"Oh you love it," teased Jack.

"I have to get going, Rhys'll have the tea on," she explained, "And I promised to be home. He's doing a shepherd's pie -

"Oi you!" she swatted Ianto's arm as he rolled his eyes at Jack. "I saw that!"

Gwen got up on her tiptoes to kiss Ianto on the cheek, part of their little goodbye ritual now, and whispered "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," in his ear before giving Jack a little wave and heading for the cog door.

As Gwen happily shouted her goodbyes, Jack and Ianto were already staring hungrily at each other. Ianto fully expected Jack to kiss him again, with sweet urgency like before, but Jack headed for the gramophone instead. A few seconds adjustments and the familiar tune of the same song filled the air.

Ianto rolled his eyes, but Jack was upon him before he'd finished rolling them.

I love the winter weather, because the two of us can get together. There's nothing sweeter.

redismycolour, fic, jack & jones

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