+ cap and gown forms in Homeroom--the first of many parts of our "exit strategy"
- felt silly being like, "why can't you re-use a tassel?"
+++ perfect score on math test. first time in, oh, forever-ish?
- we're doing rather cruddily in Family
+ but we could be doing much worse
-- theatre class: second scene feels super-awkward and I don't feel like I'm doing it justice at all and I'm letting my partner down
--- also theatre class: really really horrid costume incident that just had me feeling absolutely terrible for some reason
+ alto sectional during lunch
+/- watching Mr. Barendse, who is a horrible public speaker, try to give a presentation to the class
- French listening midterm that practically no one did well on
+ don't have to do speaking part until Monday
--- not enough time with the lights AT ALL
- nervous about Amadeus auditions/callbacks
- need to lose weight & I'm really bad at it