World Music Concert
This Sunday, March 11th, 3 PM
Boston Harmony/Village Harmony
The singers are enthusiastic and spirited, the music is engaging and diverse and the experience is unforgettable. Everyone who can come, I encourage you to.
I've included brief descriptions of each style of music and a sample recording of one of our songs in that genre (in varying degrees of polished-ness: basically, much less polished than they will be at the concert).
The Balkan songs on the program feature the bright and piercing Bulgarian “hard-voice” and catchy irregular dance rhythms in 7, 9 or 11. Included are both village songs in two part harmonies of melody and drone, and more complex choral arrangements of traditional songs.
Vila moma zelen venets Georgia is home to one of the world’s oldest traditions of polyphonic singing. The music features three vocal parts, a darker more sonorous vocal quality, untempered scales, and unusual dissonant harmonies.
Dzmao ra sjobda dzmobasa The South African songs are always crowd pleasers, with exuberant, full-throated singing style, and accompanying dances in rhythmic counterpoint to the singing.
Fiela The American shape note songs include selections from the Southern Harmony, Missouri Harmony, and Northern Harmony, and a marvelous contemporary setting by Vermont composer Don Jamison.
Far Heaven