Managed to spend nigh on two hours on the details & origins of RPGs on the way back to school. Probably a good four levels in History: D&D. Seriously, I do not remember when I last had that long a contiguous conversation on one topic (significant or otherwise). w00t
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Some percussion effect in this song (Mona Lisa - Grant Lee Phillips) sounds like the bick (somewhere between a beep and a click) that Trillian used for message notifications. I keep being like "Pending event what?!" But alas, it is a vile lie
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So I went to read QC and yesterday's was still up - went to look at Jeph's auction and came back and refreshed just in case - and lo, the new comic went up in the 2 minutes I was gone. Sweet
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Today was wack. I don't particularly feel like talking about it, but if having the entire script of Men of Inaction storytold to me over SnS coffee isn't worth standing around in the rain for half an hour, I don't know what is.
I should really sleep now. Seeing as how class is in 6 hours.