Moving day went so well! Our landlord made us delicious BANANA BREAD!
The highlight was falling in between futon mattresses in the elevator,
whistling and singing Prince and laughing until it hurt!
I am so happy to discover that Bell Canada ACTUALLY switched my phone & internet services over!
I have a new address!
BESIDES my Mum and my Nana!!!
Lara Violet
23 St. Clarens Ave, bsmt
Toronto, ON
M6K 2S4
I am a really good pen pal, I promise!
Phone # unchanged! (416) 531-0387
Tomorrow Robert and I are going to investigate our new grocery store!
And I have my first Camera Theory course! I'm so excited!
And today I got some sweet sweet miniature King Kong action figures from work!
COMPLETE WITH V-REX's! Woo woo woo!