I think I'm going to be sick... Ugh, it's a good thing i haven't eaten yet, or else it'd be all over the story. o.o ANYHOW... Hermione and Harry.... Ugh... ~clutches stomach~ I am sickened by that fact. I thought people with no lives and needs something to get horny off of does something like that. Guess not... I love the fact that Hermione and RON are progressing in a relationship in the books and whatnot. I loathe the fact that it was all screwed up because Hermione said something like "And now we wait." Pervert. AND I highly doubt that J.K. Rowling wanted her books to be screwed up by someone who has nothing else to do. Hope you have a nice day. =D Good-bye, Ciao, Tata, Toodle Pip, Aloha, ad all that good-bye crap. ^^*
Comments 19
I'm not a piece of shit you asshole..
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