Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core ramble

Jul 24, 2009 02:04

There is only one thing I expect from "Crisis Core", and that is for it to rip my heart out and make me sob like a little baby.
We all know how Crisis Core ends, and that's the whole beauty of the game. Here you have a protagonist who is so damned lovable and awesome and a great human being and... he dies at the end. Very nobly, I might add, but he dies. You know it's coming, you see it coming, and yet you still can't help loving Zack and hoping that somehow it won't happen, and that he'll get to live happily ever after and run his stupid delivery business with Cloud.
And he doesn't.
Instead he gives it all to his best friend. The rest of his life, all his potential... all to Cloud.
And it makes my heart hurt, because I just love him more for it.

I've waited all this time for my favourite FFVII character to get more than five minutes of screen-time in the game... and now I can't play HIS game because I don't own a PSP and don't want to own it.

Why coulnd't it have been on the PS2? ;_; Why not the PS3 even? Why can't the DS run PSP roms? Why do PSP roms still suck for the PC? Why are PC controls for video games so crappy anyway?

I'm too darned prideful to just watch the cutscenes on youtube. Playing the game is half the fun. But damn. Watching this music video just brings the point back home.

Even with the crappy plot, Zach is still awesome in the game. And I want to play it for myself. I want to see his and Cloud's stupid, dorky friendship develop. I want to see Zach being an awesome boyfriend to Aeris. I want to see him get his ass kicked by Sephiroth, and then stand right back up again.

I guess I'll just have to wait.
And possibly find some awesome Zach-centered fanfiction now.

Anyone got any recommendations of fic where Zack is awesome? :D

ramble, final fantasy

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