Just from different angles XD
That one's my character.
Then I realized I'm awful at drawing feet (I even looked at references to try and fix those...)
Spent an hour or so drawing a bunch of quick studies of my own feet
like this...(Plus or minus like...50.)
And then drew this (an art request by someone else)...
With no references.
Magic ~(o.o~)
Will continue focused practicing on feets though.
Oh, and on an unrelated note, I ventured off to see Harry Potter 6 yesterday with Clarissa - I was fairly pleased with the movie overall except: Ginny's actress, Dumbledore's Actor (neither of which I have liked in any of the movies. I miss the original Dumbledore Actor ): ), and all the focus on teenage drama. I mean, if I thought I was at a significant risk of dying on a daily basis, I'd be less preoccupied with who's making out with who, and a bit more focused on the not dying bit.
...But yeah, over all I liked it.
I swear Alan Rickman was born to play Snape. It was his destiny from the moment he took a breath.
(They could have put more focus on him, too.
And Lupin - even if he wasn't in the 6th book that much. We could always use more Lupin.)