Open up to me beneath these Stars,
Tell what you are thinking,
tell of the love you hold...
But you don't
You remain as distant from me
as the stars from the artist:
A man who created a scene
of blue and black-
the sky swirling, swirling with light-
But never really showed anything.
When will I stop loving you?
When we move on to the next
painting in this gallery?
Oh Look! there's me, sitting
in that painted diner-Alone.
Navy suite, Gray hat-dismal
As October rain.
“Would you like some more”
The banana split man asked,
Jesting to my coffee.
I waved my hand, shook my head.
A “normal” couple
sit across from me.
Woman in red, man in black...
They don’t speak of love,
Yet I can’t stop thinking of them.
Sterile streets
and walls of glass-give the illusion
that I’m not really trapped there.
You let go of my hand
I might as well be that
man in the diner.