Hmmm. This was odd.
Would you like to learn how to pole dance? What's pole dancing? Do firemen practice it?
Ever been to an adult store? Most stores were built with adults in mind, like grocery stores and hardware stores... OH. That sort of adult store.
Ever bought something from an adult store? Well... I was with someone who did...
Ever played strip poker? No... I've never poked strips of anything.
Ever gone skinny dipping? I have dipped things, and I am skinny... fondue...
Kissed someone of the same sex? By choice? Nnnnnnnn.... no answer.
Sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? No.
Are you dominant or submissive? No.
Would you have sex with anyone on your Top friends? No.
What is the weirdest place you've had sex? If close calls count, during the time I was undead in the bookstore.
Ever been to a strip club? Not on purpose. There was that ONE time.
Called someone the wrong name during sex? Never.
Do you believe in make-up sex? Sex with make-up on? I guess, if it doesn't smear...
Ever had a one night stand? I've had one night-stand before. It was the perfect size for a lamp and a copy of The Brothers Karamazov.
Has anyone ever used alcohol to lower your resistance? I use alcohol to clean things. :)
Ever used alcohol to lower someones resistance? Well... it would hurt if you got it in someone's eyes.
Ever been cheated on? I was cheated out of catching Kira.
Ever cheated on someone? Depends on how you define "cheating."
Drunken Nights
Are you a light weight? My BMI is about 15, so... yes, I suppose so.
How many drinks til your drunk? I've drunk once I've had a sip, technically.
What is your favorite beer? No answer...
What is your favorite mixed drink? Tea, with sugar mixed in.
What is your favorite shot? One that's audible and near the scene of the crime.
Do prefer to drink alone or socially? It doesn't matter, so long as I'm not thirsty.
Ever passed out from drinking? There was that one time. I'd not slept in four days and my coffee got spilt. It was disagreeable, for true.
Ever thrown up from drinking? There was that one time, but again, it was due to exhaustion.
Ever been carried by someone else because of your drunkenness? Hm...
Ever carried someone because of their drunkenness? No...
Have you ever had sex...
On a kitchen table? Not that I know of.
In the rain? No...
In a police car? There was that one time, but... wait, no, that does not count.
In front of a video camera? I've watched people on video camera...
In a public place? Not technically...
Over a sink? I would like to see this one first.
In a car? See 'in a police car'
In a theater? There was that... never mind.
With the same sex? No answer.
On the first date? Dried fruits tend not to be conducive to romance.
On the beach? Oh, I get it! It is a drink.
Pick One
Lights on or off? Light is best when he is not trying to make me do perverted things.
Pink or Black? It depends on the item in question. Healthy tissue, for instance, should be pink... whereas my hair is best black...
Sweet or Spicy? Sweet. Definitely sweet. Spicy hurts my stomach.
Lace or Leather? Lace. Leather is from dead things...
Hugs or Kisses? Neither.
Fast or Slow? Fast. Efficiency is key.
Hard or Soft? No.
Give or Receive? Créme Brulée
Love or Lust? Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.