So much stuffs to do so little time. Cheyla is comin to visit today. Um...Party may move to the 8th/9th of April. I will contact those who are interested in coming up to OK for info. :-) That's all for now I guess. I'll write more laters. Check out my Xanga while you're at it. Its also LukeInferno.
Gavin O'Leary
What's your Irish Name? Your EQ is
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)? You Will Die at Age 79
You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...
And how you'll die as well.
What Age Will You Die?