Title: On Tethered Wings
lukitaPairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: G
Warnings Spoilers for story
Summary: A dragon lord who doesn't know his power, a prince who doesn't know his heritage, and a broken king who doesn't know their destiny. What will happen, when the dragonriders of Camelot break free their bonds, and their mounts rise up once more?
Artist Notes: Thank you to both
the_muppet and
thuri for being the most understanding people on the planet when my computer decided now is the time to die or rather a few days before the Big Bang goes live. Lucky it didn't died completely and I wrung a few more hours out of it as I frantically backed up everything. ♥
Story Link:
On Tethered Wings by
thuriDisclaimer: Usual disclaimer applies.
Sketchbook Link Here Chapter Dividers
Merlin and newly transformed Arthur's first meeting.
Arthur practicing his flying.