Steph's package came!!
It was a birthday present. It rocks, cuz you finally accept your birthday is over, then BAM!, in come the "slower" friends presents. Lol. Just kidding o'course! But it does rock my socks!
^Steph's green thing chilling with ducky and NHSS paw on my backpack.
^My uber-cool hoodie for my mp3. Me loves. Oh, and, freaky coinsidence much? Last night 11ish o'clock:
Nicole: "Daddy, I need a new mp3 case. This one just broke. *holds up frayed + ugly Zen pouch*"
^^^Pressies!! [Oh, and Steph, do post. ;).]
^*Slightly* Crazed.
^Forgetting to look at the camara.
Thankee Steph. *can't stop grinning*
And because I have a life:
Oh, and Alexandra: Just so you know, on PhotoImpact, if you save the file as "UFO" instead of "JPEG," you can go back and change things. Just remember to save it as a JPEG when you're done, or it won't upload. (All accidently-stumbled-on knowledge. 'Twas very confusing at the time.)