I'm trying to get my life pulled together and I'm starting with my apartment. It seems like my messes mirror my emotions sometimes. Lately I've been all over the place
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I agree. I got to the point where I didn't want to spend much time at home because it reminded me that my life is a mess. Looking around now- I feel good about myself. Its amazing what a difference the little things make in life isn't it?
i moved to california and thought the same things you are. i'd say you should visit there first and get a feel for what you're in for. but that's just my opinion, i thought it was okay but this was los angeles--->bismarck, north dakota girl. wooowowoowooo yeah it's exciting in a scary good way. so i wish you well in whichever you decide to do and keep in touch cos i would love to come visit!
Carrie told me she will never move to Cali cause she's "not skinny enough" which I think is ridiculous, but nevertheless, I have to follow my hunny. You so need to meet her- maybe you could talk her into Sacramento.
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