...and I won a brand new car! Just kidding!
Actually, I got a newer van that is much better than the other one, and I was able to sell the old one for $800 more than I ever would have imagined getting for it. Good luck is already on my side and the year is not even a week old. This was a great beginning to many things that are to come this year, I hope!
So, it may seem silly to be excited, but I am happy that I have made major progress in negotiating the fairly decent deal on a used car that passed everyones final inspection. Best part: It was my first major car deal that I felt that I was in a position to get something that would be favorable for everyone.
I was able to get a decent interest rate and the terms are not going to kill me. Plus, I will not have to worry about paying for a bunch of work that would have easily cost well over $1000 + the cost to smog and register it for another year. (Especially since it was not my fault that it had the problems it did!)
Shortly, I will be driving around town in it, especially now that I have been fully and medically been cleared to begin driving again. I may need to 'practice' some just so that I can get used to the feel of being the one behind the wheel driving the car, but it will be worth it in so very many ways...