HEY! I actually got time to start up my new legacy. It's only a few pictures but I promise a longer update next time. I wanna see how this one does. Yes. It is called the Skellington legacy XD I'm obsessed with that movie. I even have the video game. Anyway. On with the show!
Did I forget to mention this is a Perfect Genes Challenge? No? Well that seems kinda important so I'll tell ya now! Our founder here is Ethan Skellington. (For some reason really light skinned sims glow like vampires but he is not one I assure you.) HEEEEY REMEMBER that part in the movie where Jack had sex with one of the witches? No? I'm sure you do now. Well this was their child cx. Ethan Skellington is a witch with some interesting traits. The standard, dislikes children, commitment issues, great kisser, night owl, and mooch. I'm going to enjoy this. His LTW is to become a Master Romancer and he likes pancakes, dark wave music, and the color orange. His sign is Pisces. Heck of a time with this nerdy lookin' guy!
If you do not know the rules to the Perfect Genes Challenge I'll recite them here.
1. Your sim must be Adult or Young Adult.
2. Your sim must have an extraordinary hair color.
3. Your sim must have an extraordinary eye color.
4. Your sim must have the 'Dislikes Children' trait.
5. Your sim are free to marry any sim, and have as many children as possible. But there are some rules to follow:
6. Your partner may be a sim made in CAS by you or another player as long as they do NOT have your special genes (relatives to your founder are ok to marry, though)
7. Every time you have the opportunity to choose traits for your Sim you must click the Random button
8. The heir, the child who is going to continue the family, MUST have both the unique hair and eye colours. This sim has one exception to the previous rule, in that that one of his or her traits must be Dislikes Children
9. Sims may not adopt children
10. You are not allowed to dye Sim's hairs or changing their eye colour to make them heirs, a heir must be born as a heir
11. You win when you have 10 generations of perfect genes.
I on one hand have decided I will also do skin tone as a challenge. And maybe Supernatural power has to be a witch too. But I'm a little ify on that. So know you know my terms, let's move on.
This is his... Living area I suppose you an call it.
Ethan: Looks more like a dump. THE BATHROOM DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A DOOR!
At least I put a wall in between the shower and the road. So quit complaining.
He went off to get a job in Education :D
Ethan: This broom is fun! And wait... Education...? Children...? T_T
I love this legacy already. ^^ And he was automatically given the broom. WHAT IF I WANTED MY WITCH TO DRIVE A CAR EA? HUH?! Lolno. I'm not complaining.
Afterwards we went to his boss's house to mooch off her meet her.
Ethan: HEY BOSS!
Boss: Hello...?
Ethan: So boss... I'm rather poor... And I'd be hoping if I could get a raise?
Boss: OH! You poor thing! Here is two simoleons. Buy yourself a drink.
Ethan: T_T This bitch is rich and she gives me only TWO!?!
Then I noticed a lady was here. And ya know. That LTW aint gonna get itself. Meet Serena Durwood. Lover #1.
And meet Serena Durwood's husband. I think his name is Matt but I'm not too sure. Oh well. He's got ginormous ears! :O Those poor children... Did I mention they have two kids together?
So when I was editing this picture it was a close up of the two going in for the kiss... Then I changed it to a smaller size and saw the husband... Things became awkward. But he's happy smiles!?
Matt(?): I wonder if there is any donuts in the fridge...
Other two: *face noms commence*
Jingle jingle!
And you know... He goes and struts in front of the kids... They become mortal enemies instantly.
Girl: I wonder if that man would ever date me...
Then he calls up another girl to meet somewhere.
Ethan: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey sexy laady!~
Serena: That was amazing...
Then he struts all the way there....
Bianca: Hey. So I'm glad you came. But... I don't really know you.
Ethan: I get that a lot.
Obviously she doesn't care to be making out with a stranger in public...
Or... Having sex with them... This is really awkward.... Lover #2 down but no jingles :(
Then you know... He found this lady... Who was with that guy but... Meh...
Guy: I wonder where the stove is...
Lover #3 but she doesn't really count towards the LTW because they woohooed on the same lot. But there were jingles! By the way. Her name is Janet Pok.
And this lady came over, Bianca's sister, Beatrice Crumplebottom. The only lady that he is a romantic interest with. They had sex in the theater but no jingles. Lover #4. (Or #3 for LTW) Then I saw another lady under the option to woohoo with and there were jingles. I don't have a picture of her but her name is Alice Fitzgerald (Lover #5).
She left before they could have sex here but you know. We'll see her again probably.
I decided a short spam of Supernatural witches couldn't hurt.
Ethan: Romance is for wimps...
Ethan: I wonder if Beatrice will come over someday soon...
Romance is for wimps huh?
Ethan: Can I turn the mail man into a toad?
No. You can only perform the good luck charm.
Ethan: This is ridiculous.
Says you Play Ground Monitor.
Then he came home and played with magic. When this very pregnant lady showed up. HAI LOVER #1!
She's on her way to popping so I had her spend the night to monitor her... So I could see if the baby was perfect.
Ethan: Lemme practice on you!
Serena: Oh God! What did I do to deserve this punishment!
Serena: Ethan this is your baby. I'm sure of it.
Ethan: Whoa lady... I'll only buy it a teddy bear but that's about all I plan to do with any kid.
Then they slept in the same bed. T_T Jeez.
They autonomously flirt. It's ridiculous...
Ethan: Serena, you and your belly need to sceedaddle. I'm going to work.
Which meant I had nothing better to do but follow her around. She went into labor then walked all the way to the hospital.
I don't deal with larva so....
He came out with the skin but hair and eyes were a bust. T_T Darn. I was hoping for first born perfect.
And I was stupid and saved the words on the only copy of this picture. T_T but Janet had a baby too! So cliff hanger on what it looks like! (I don't even know. My game froze before I could see.) The baby had her skin but it could be different now cause... Didn't save :/ Oh well. Anyway. Thanks for reading!