(no subject)

Sep 29, 2008 20:01

Home again. Bullets to the face would be appreciated.

Got in at like, 8 in the morning, bought a cheap phone at the airport from a guy with badass hair and gaged ears. Then we got orgasmo-espresso and hopped a train to this town Amersfoort, the place where my mom was giving her talk. We got into our hotel, checked in, blah blah blah, then spent the rest of the day wandering around the town to stave off jet lag. It was BEAUTIFUL there, holy fuck. Had dinner at the hotel and crashed early. Werd.

My mom woke me up early because she's mean, so we had breakfast (little pancake things soaked in butter ftw) and then went into town again. We got more orgasmo-espresso from this cafe with this really attractive waiter and then wandered around looking at things and bothering this really cute orange cat. Later that day we met my mom's friend who she gave the talk with, Wees, and her daughter Sona. Wees drove us to this really small town about forty minutes away. I sat in the back with Sona and talked to her about my Nyanko t-shirt, cons, art, bikes, school and art. The town we went to was also stunningly beautiful and had a random castle, ftw. We got dinner there, soooo good. The food there was like, amazing... seriously. You'll hear a lot about it. We got back to Amersfoort and then crashed immediately.

The day of my mom's talk, so I was on my own. Sooo I went into town and spent money. I also ran into the orange cat again and harrassed him, and then found him later sitting in a McDonald's being fed chicken nuggets. That cat's a pimp, seriously. Anyway, I also walked... a lot. My legs were sore for the rest of the trip, which makes me feel like a lazy fuck :X No good. My mom called to say that she'd be at the hotel around... 4:30, so to be back by then. I was, she wasn't there. I sat in the hotel bar and read Wicked while drinking sparkling water for like, two hours, before she finally showed up XD Apparently Wees isn't good with her GPS or something. Anyway, that night we got the train back to Amsterdam, got to our hotel and- oh snap! crashed early again. Fucking jet lag.

Got up, had breakfast at the hotel, then got yet more orgasmo-espresso from this cafe on one of the canals. All these tour boats kept going by with all these people taking pictures. Bizarre. Lucky for them I have exhibitionist tendencies so I always gave them a nice smile ;] We went to the Van Gough museum, and I saw Vincent's Bedroom At Arles, which I've been obsessed with for ages for some reason. It was pretty life changing. I elbowed a bunch of people out of the way and stood in front of it for a good ten minutes >___>; The rest of the day was basically more wandering, occasionally stopping to look in stores or drink coffee. So exciting, lol. However, I was in Europe, which just makes it all awesome. That night we got dinner at this Indonesian restaurant, and oh my LORD. I can't even describe it, but tofu will never be as good ever again. Seriously.

It was our last day, so we went around buying prezzies for people~ I really wanted to get one of those wicked tacky and obscene Red Light District t-shirts for the lulz, but restrained myself. I was sorely tempted too by the Big Penis Book I found in a bookstore this morning. An entire book full of pictures of naked well-endowed men. I'd so keep that on my coffee table >__> ANYWAY. I did find this badass fashion magazine called Purple, though. Um... yeah. We had dinner at this retardedly good Dutch restaurant. I'm still salivating over my meal, seriously. I'M SUCH A FATASS >:3

Flew for 8 hours, only to come back here. Fuck my life. Ahh well. At least I have my phone ;D
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