Am I to understand that Bill Cosby never, in fact, actually stated, "People think I'm Bill Cosby... but I'm really tooth decay," in reference to his Pepsi endorsements? Is sounds like a sample when listening to Negativland's album Dispepsi, but. Maybe it's a little audio mosaic they fabricated. Regretfully, a query on Google for "remorseful bill
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Comments 11
It seems to suggest the phrase was a fabrication, but doesn't outright say. And that's the only half-decent google hit I've found. I just can't get over how sincere and dreadful he sounds. If it's a fabrication, it's a god damn Mona Lisa.
This is Bill Cosby we're talking about, right? Have you never heard of the man before? :)
It's maybe a little ironic considering wikipedia suggests the soft drink ad wars coincided with the switch from cane sugar to corn sweeteners. The plot becomes more syrupy (and less substantial)!
I won't say it's their artistic best but Dispepsi is sure the Negativland album I've listened to most.
And the Jell-O Pudding. Man, just thinking about it makes me want to wrap my lips around a Jell-O Pudding Pop and suck... oh baby...
They don't make pudding pops anymore! D:
What's so hard about freezing pudding in the shape of a besticked phallus?
Anyway, mind if I friend you?
I don't mind at all!
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