❧ Echoes of Yesterday

Aug 07, 2010 12:06

[as usual, all the CATs and vidscreens in town activate simultaneously. Verita is in the Town Square, looking out at the residents--but without her usual energy. without further ado, she begins speaking]

Residents, I am here today to report that the murderer who has ravaged our town has been caught! [her tone is, on the surface, cheerful, but her usual energy and flair for theatrics is definitely missing] Sheriff Iussus has discovered, to his depressing dismay, that Deputy Drew, one of his own officers, was responsible. [sighs, her expression quite tragic] But the deputy is now in custody, so there's nothing more to fear, residents. You can live your lives calmly again! Thank you, and, as always, remember where to look to for the news that's meaningful to you!

[the CAT feed cuts out then. but only seconds later, it cuts in again--but only to the CATs of the new residents. all of the vidscreens remain blank. when the transmission starts, it is showing the side of Verita's head as she talks to someone off-screen] Is it working? [pauses, and a muffled reply can be heard] Oh, good! Okay, here I go. [Verita takes a deep breath as she turns to face the CAT] New citizens of Luministi. I come before you today to announce an injurious injustice!

[Verita is, in fact, looking quite put-out now that she has begun her proper transmission. she crosses her hands over her chest, and a severe pout mars her normally-cheerful expression. but residents can just hear the other person with Verita say something then, and Verita blushes, lowering her voice] But keep this between us, all right?

I am soaringly sorry to report that the murder investigation might not be as simple as our dear sheriff is claiming. Now, residents, please listen before you act! I don't mean to sow any seeds of dangerous discord among us, and I'm sure the sheriff has gallingly good reason to suspect Deputy Drew, but...I think he's worryingly wrong! After speaking with you, our new residents, I think you're right and that...[pauses, reluctant]...that our own Doctor Resarci might be more involved than he pretends to be. But the sheriff won't listen to me! So the deputy is behind bars and the dubious doctor remains free. [frowns, frustrated]

And it gets worryingly worse. [sighs, her expression becoming very worried indeed] I don't want to scare you, dear residents, but earlier today, Doctor Resarci announced a gas leak. He claims it's just a minor leak and won't harm a fly, and he said I shouldn't even announce it so I "wouldn't cause panic." [makes a face] But after everything that's happened, I think you need to know! So, there you have it. I don't know what might be coming, residents, but I will be sure to give you all the news as soon as it's known!

[glances at her observer, possibly on the verge of cutting the transmission, when she hesitates again. turns back to the CAT briefly] And be cautiously careful, please.

❧ Plot Details: Echoes of Yesterday
    It seems that the residents have convinced Verita to give even more information than before! Any who pay the sheriff's office a visit will find that her report is quite true. Deputy Drew is behind bars. However, by the time any residents go to the clinic, they will find that Doctor Resarci is not there, nor does he appear to be anywhere in town. Nurse Hope is in charge of the clinic in his absence, but she doesn't have any information on his whereabouts. But on the bright side, those residents who suffered those annoying, babble-inducing fly bites will find the effects wearing off!

    However, the gas leak is, in fact, quite serious. The moment Verita's transmission ends, a cloud of gas thick enough to be visible begins to waft from the fountain in the Town Square. Within an hour from the transmission, this gas will have enveloped the entire town. The normal town residents, not having been informed of the gas leak, will assume it is simply a dense fog and will experience nothing strange from it. The new residents will not be so lucky. Not only will they be able to recognise the fog as gas, but all of them, regardless of physiology, will experience its effects, though it may take different characters shorter or longer periods of time to succumb to it, depending on their resistance to such things.

    Every character, within the first 24 hours of the appearance of the gas, will feel themselves growing light-headed and confused. Eventually, this state will intensify until the character passes out. When they awake, the character will have lost a portion of their memories. Essentially, they will be mentally returned to a previous state. Exactly how far back they have gone is up to you. They may have only lost the last several months, or they may have lost the last several years. The only requirement is that all characters will be mentally reverted to a time from before they entered the town. You guessed it, this means that characters will have no memories whatsoever from their time in Luministi. To them, they will have mysteriously arrived in a new and puzzling location...all over again for the first time. As a note, this plot does not effect the characters' physical state. Characters will not become younger, Sophie will not become an old woman, the Doctors won't revert to a different regeneration, etc.

    In addition to the amnesia, while characters are passed out from the gas, they will lose something of importance. For characters who received the gold coin during the game's opening plot, that coin will be gone--not that they'll remember it. But these characters, like all others, will also have lost something personal. This personal item can be anything characters have had with them in town. It could be an earring, an item typically carried in a pocket, an article of clothing, etc. It is up to you whether or not it is an item that the character, in their reverted state, would miss. However, all characters will find a small card, like a business card, in or around the area where the item was kept. On one side is an image of a single doorway with two doors opening from it--one in each direction--and on the other side is a typed note, reading simply: "Your possession is in good hands."

    Once the first day has passed, the gas will thin until it is a barely discernible mist, but it will continue to be present in town for the duration of the plot. Characters' memories will not return while it is present. The town, however, will run as normal. As a note, from this point on, game plots will be running for roughly two weeks at a time.

    As always, feel free to comment to this post with any questions you might have. Also, Verita is available for IC conversation.


    On that note, it's time for a bit of business. It's activity check time!

    For the Activity Check, copy the coding below that applies to you (one entry and two threads or simply five threads) and post it as a comment to this entry. All entries and threads created after the last activity check (July 3rd) will count towards this activity check.

    Players who are on a current hiatus or were accepted into the game within the last two weeks are exempt from the activity check.

    This activity check will remain open for a week, after which point characters who have not yet responded will receive a warning on the OOC Comm and have only another week before, unfortunately, they are removed from the game.

    One more note before we go. This activity check means the game has now been running for two months! We are halfway through! It's hard to believe that much time has passed already, and we mods want to take a moment to thank you all for coming to our town to play with us! Unfortunately, as we are in the second half of the game, it is time to make an important announcement. Applications to Luministi will close on the 28th of August. After that point, the game will be entering its final stages and will therefore be difficult for new players to join.

    Again, thanks to everyone for playing here. We hope you continue to enjoy your stay!

!activity check, #season one, *plot: echoes of yesterday, !mod

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