Aug 02, 2006 17:59

Some freqently asked questions. Any other questions? Feel free to ask here.

What do you mean by hotlinking?
"Hotlinking" (also called "direct linking" and "bandwidth theft") is a term referring to when a web page of one website owner is direct linking to the images or other multimedia files on the web host of another website owner (usually without permission, thus stealing bandwidth. This happens when you right click and copy and paste the url of where the image is hosted onto your own site. To avoid this, please upload them to your own Photobucket account or any other free image hosting sites.

How do I upload an icon as a userpic?
Thanks to rhrsoulmates who wrote this awhile back.

"Right click, save target as". Then, the easiest way is just remember where on your computer you have it saved and upload directly from your computer (though you can also link an icon you have saved on a photo hosting site such as Photobucket.com).

- To upload - go to Edit Userpics
- Then browse/choose the correct icon file, name it in Keywords (such as "Dark Mark rules" - something that will help you identify which icon it is when you see a list of your icon names).
- Finally click "Save changes" to upload it to your LJ.

Still confused? Follow this great tute by colormered_cons Or check out the LJ F.A.Q's here

Can I edit your icons?
I'd rather you didn't as they're finished icons (unless stated otherwise - such as bases) but you're more than welcome to add text to the icons.

Crediting is optional but always appreciated. If you'd like to credit, please credit this community luminous_ink It makes it easier for people to be redirected here where the icons/resources are, rather than my journal. Thanks :)

What is your moodtheme of? And who made your layout?
Lilo & Stitch moodtheme by spiffy_themes
Stylesheet layout by thefulcrum here.

Can I use your brushes/textures for commercial use?
I've been asked this a number of times and in the past I've said no. I don't make any money from this and neither should you. I've since changed my mind in that you can use the brushes/textures provided that they are used to create new works of art - layouts/scrapbook pages etc... not just a huge image pack file with all the brushes available to be downloaded.

And a link back to my Deviant/ luminous_ink account would be greatly appreciated too.


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