Well, I've put this off for sometime now, mostly because I'm between programming, work, and playing NMH2, ironically enough. Also because I've been waiting for at least a good handful of people to play through the second one, but if I've learned anything from the first one, only five of you will actually care about this entry, so I don't feel bad
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Comments 8
In conclusion, I may be the only person on the internet who supports Travis/Sylvia, but at least Suda agrees with me. I cried, man. Beautiful game.
The Reaper song is known as "Philistine" by Hagio! I find myself whistling the tune while walking around, perhaps warning my next target to back off MY DDR machine.
Ohhh, Nobu-cakes. XD
I'm happy to have gotten you into the series :D
Now I just look forward to this "Dream Team" horror game that Suda, Mikami, and AKIRAAAAA are working on.
I think that No More Heroes 2 might be one of those games that will take time to be fully appreciated. It did things different so people still aren't sure how to feel about it. Take Silent Hill 2, for example. When that first came out a lot of the fanbase hated it. It was so vastly different and had nothing to do with the first game. Now it's considered one of the best in the series.
I think as time goes on and people let NMH2 sink in more, they'll grow to appreciate it more. Hell, I'm finding myself liking the game more and more every time I think about it.
It was meant to be.
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