(no subject)

Jul 02, 2005 01:06

ETA: Okay, I've received a majority of Squib votes (along with a couple of Ravenclaw ones, which I think is terribly funny, as I was half asleep when I filled this out). Does that mean I should edit and repost my app, or am I supposed to be waiting for something?


Tryphe. It's actually Marina, but I prefer to be called Tryphe.

Age (13 or up; we stick to LJ rules):
Well, I am at least thirteen, but I've not yet hit driving age. I hope that's enough; my parents don't like me giving my age on the internet.

Los Gatos, California, half the time, San Jose, California, the other half, as my parents are divorced and have split custody of my brother and me. In general, I'm in California.

Where did you hear about this community?
I saw the Gryffindor banner in gdye_trauda's userinfo, then found the link in her friends list.

How much time are you willing to invest in this community?
As it is currently summer, I'm willing to 'invest' loads of time in this community. As for how much time I'll have when school rolls around...well, who knows.

PART 1 - Canon

1. Have you read all the books?
Yes. I'd leave it at that, but people seem to get annoyed with short answers in sorting communities, plus you ask for five sentences per question, so I'll go on. My dad was reading CoS to my younger brother, Xander, as a bedtime story about a year before OotP came out. I was bored and Dad's throat was getting tired, so I volunteered to read for him. Well, Xander's a kid who doesn't stay awake very long for his bedtime stories. (Dad never managed to get through the first LotR book with him because he'd always fall asleep before the end of the chapter and need to hear it again.) Long after he'd nodded off, I was still reading. I read GoF next, since my friend owned a copy and it was more convenient to borrow a book than to buy it, then PS/SS, then PoA, and finally OotP. I reserved a copy of HBP in February and can't wait.

2. Give us your personal interpretation of each Hogwarts house (in terms of atmosphere, mentality, inter-house relationships, et cetera - these are just a few examples).
Woah--this is a lot to tackle. I'll do 'em in alphabetical order, since that's easiest and I can't choose on my own.
Gryffindor house is cheery and comfortable. Everyone in Gryffindor has a friend they can count on, joke with, and get homework answers off of. There's a lot of companionship and friendship in Gryffindor. They are open to inter-house relationships, so long as it doesn't involve getting matey with Slytherins. They also tend to be reckless, bold, and stubborn.
Hufflepuff house is,well, I'm not sure what to say about Hufflepuff, as we've seen so little, but I will say that a lot of sacrifice comes with being in this house. The other houses, consciously or not, tend to look down on the 'Puffs. They're sometimes seen as the house for the leftovers--the people who weren't smart enough for Ravenclaw, brave enough for Gryffindor, or pureblooded enough for Slytherin. I really admire the 'Puffs for somehow being able to stay nice with all that snobbery. They, too, are open to inter-house relations (there were quite a few of them in the D.A., for instance), and I'm pretty sure they'd also be opposed to the idea of bridging the gap between Hufflepuff and Slytherin.
Ravenclaw house is... Again, I'm faced with the same dilemma. We see a bit more Ravenclaw than Hufflepuff in the books, but the two biggest Ravenclaw characters so far, Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood, don't seem to have anything in common (except for alliteration, but that doesn't count). At all. But, ignoring this and going by what we hear of the house, I can say this: Ravenclaws are smart. Intelligent, clever, witty--whatever you want to call it, that's Ravenclaw. They also are open to inter-house relations (again, my proof lies in the D.A.). I'd figure Ravenclaws as having very close friendships, as not only did Ginny's boyfriend, Michael, join the D.A., but he also brought along Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein. Not to mention how quick Cho was to forgive Marietta for ratting out the group.
Now, the fourth and final house--Slytherin. This is the house that we see the most of (other than Gryffindor, of course). Mainly we see Draco Malfoy and his "cronies," though we do catch glimpses of others. Assuming Draco is the perfect model of his house (he probably is, considering how long the Sorting Hat took on him), Slytherins are creative, ambitious, and rude. (Creative?, you ask? Yes, creative. Just think of all those ways to humiliate Harry he thought of. And just because they all failed doesn't mean it didn't take heaps of creativity to think them up.) They appear to be entirely against inter-house relations, as we never see any of them be anything but insulting to any members of the other houses.

3. What would be your favourite flavour of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and why (note: as the name implies, all possible flavours exist)?
It's hard to pick just one. Of the actual candies (the ones they sell at Borders), I favor roasted marshmallow and dirt, but I'm not sure what I'd choose if the selection was that huge. Possibly strawberries-and-nutella-with-whipped-creme-and-powdered-sugar crepe because that's my favoritest dessert ever. (Yes, I know 'favoritest' isn't a word. I just like to add suffixes to words. And write in incomplete sentences. And start sentences with coordinate conjunctions.) Super dark chocolate would also be yummy, along with vanilla soymilk or apples-with-peanut-butter. Croissants (did I spell that right?) are good too.
Fudge. I'm making myself hungry. Fudge? Like the minty-but-still-chocolatey kind? Or how about the hazelnutty kind?
Okaaaaaay...next question....

4. If you were on your House’s Quidditch Team, which position would you preferably play and why?
I'd rather not play on my House's Quidditch Team. This is not only because they'd hate me for it, as I suck oh-so-very much at sports and would make them lose every game, but also because I don't like to play sports and would much rather watch other people do it.
But if I absolutely had to choose a position, I'd choose Chaser. Throwing/catching a ball is something I do know how to do (as opposed to finding and hunting a tiny and very fast ball, guarding three uneven goals, or going after very heavy and possibly homicidal flying bowling balls with a bat). I'm not sure if I could remember how to throw/catch a ball while fifty feet in the air with nothing but a broom beneath me, but if I had to choose...

5. What HP conspiracy theory do you hold true unless it is textually proven otherwise? (i.e. Snape is a vampire, Ron is Dumbledore, etc. -there are loads of these theories. Feel free to contribute your own)?
Um...no. Yay for optionality.

6. What is your favorite book aside from HP and why?
This is a very difficult question. I'm assuming that's why you made it one of the optional ones. And because it is so difficult, I will just use the first good book that comes to mind instead of trying to pick a favorite out of every book I've read.
Dangerous Angels by Francesca Lia Block. This is actually a series of interrelated books. Five, in fact. Weetzie Bat, Witch Baby, Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys, Missing Angel Juan, and Baby Be-Bop. (I may be wrong about the titles; I read them all as a whole and did so a while ago)
Well, as for the why....
She writes about LA like it's magical, and it's kind of convincing. Each of her books (not just the ones I picked) have different levels of fantasy in them, from undercurrents to the main focus. I'm just amazed that anyone can do that, having been to LA a couple of times and not getting that impression at all.
Her characters are complex. Not only that, but each book has a different PoV, from Weetzie's to Witch Baby's to Cherokee's to Dirks. We see the characters through each others eyes, and the difference in how they see themselves and how others see them can be striking.
Mostly, I just love Block's writing style. The first taste of her writing I got was a D/G fanfiction based one one of the stories in her book The Rose and the Beast (I'd have picked that as my favorite, or Wasteland, but for squick factor). As soon as I saw that the fic had been based on something else, I bought the something else, which was quickly followed by several of her other books.
This is getting long, so I'll cut it off here, as I've already answered the question.

7. What would your Room of Requirement look like?
Apart from it looking exactly like Hagrid's hut, it would have a comfy bed with loads of pillows and blankets, a bookshelf full of well-written D/G fic in book form, a bunch of empty notebooks for me to fill, tons of blank white paper for me to draw on, every book I'd wanted to buy but decided against for lack of money (also on the book shelves), all of my favorite books that I like to reread, all seasons of Buffy and Angel on DVD, all seasons of That '70s Show on DVD (I don't care if they aren't all out yet; it's the freaking room of requirement), a lovely antique desk and chair set for me to write/draw/read at, a huge projector screen (with a projector and dvd player, of course), and a laptop with PSP9 and an internet connection.
In other words, it would look nothing like Hagrid's hut.

8. Describe your wand and tell us why you picked that design.
My twelve-inch wand would be made of willow with a unicorn hair for the core. It would be thinnish, with a slight handle area and moonstone embedded into that end. I picked this wand because I've done my research and these are the things that seemed to jump out at me. My wand is very girly. No, I'm not just being weird--willow and unicorn hair are both very feminine properties for wands. I like girly things. Moon-type things are nice too.

PART 2 - You

Please go here and fill out the short Myers-Briggs test.
They spelled 'analogies' wrong. Grr.

9. Paste the URL of your results (TOP 5) including its description

Your #1 Match: ISFP

The Artist

You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.

You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.

Your #2 Match: ISFJ

The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.

You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.

Your #3 Match: ISTP

The Mechanic

You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations.
A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent.
To outsiders yous eem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable.
You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people.

You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete.

Your #4 Match: ISTJ

The Duty Fulfiller

You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy.

You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

Your #5 Match: INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

What's Your Personality Type?

10. Who is your role model and why?
I hate to not be able to answer a question, but I really can't. Really really. I don't have one, sadly.
Oh, screw it. I'll just try to think of someone I'd like to be as something as.
I'd like to be as funny as Eric Forman because he has the best sarcastic sense of humor. Yes, I know he's a character on a TV show. I'm just crazy.
I'd like to be as creative as my OC, Alys Hamilton, because she can draw with sharpies without messing up and she makes her own clothing. Again, not a real person. I'm really crazy.
I'd like to be like Ginny Weasley because she's a great actress and a powerful witch, confident, funny, stubborn without being annoying, a good listener, and another fictional character. Darn it.

11. What would you like to have accomplished at the end of your
I'd like to have created something memorable. Be it photography, writing, painting, whatever--I'd like to have been good at something and remembered for it. Examples: JRR Tolkein, Ansel Adams, just about every dead but famous artist ever.... I know this is short, but I'm getting tired and can't think of anything else I'd add to this.

12. Would you sooner commit a crime against your kin or your countrymen?
Oh, my countrymen, definitely. I'd never commit a crime against my family. Ever. Not to mention I'm really not loving America's current condition. (Sorry, but this answer's short too.)

13. What would your animagus be and why?
I'm sorry, maybe it's the part where I'm crazy enough to be working on this at three in the morning, but how the heck am I supposed to know? Aside from me being a person who does not see myself as I am but rather as all of her flaws piled together in one big heap (thus preventing any self-analyzation of any kind), I am also a person who doesn't like animals enough to be able to see any similarities or connections between myself and any animals. in fact, I don't particularly like animals at all (no offense meant to any animal-lovers out there).

14. What would your patronus be and why?
Well, a lot of what I would put here was explained in the previous answer, as, from what we've seen, Paronuses (Patroni?) are animals (stag, otter, swan...). Another thing, though: a Patronus is a symbol of protection. When I think protection, I think shield or something, not animal. But that's just me.

15. What career would you consider if you were indeed part of the wizarding world and why?
To be honest, I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself here in the muggle world, so I can't really decide what I'd do in the wizarding one. Maybe that's my 3:25 A.M. brainfart talking, but, as far as I can tell, I'm still functioning properly, so maybe not.
I think that my career choice would be the same in the wizarding world or in the muggle one. I'd like to be an author or a photographer or an artist or a web designer or...something. Being in the Wizarding World rules out web design, but apart from that, my top choices are the same. I wouldn't like to have a magical career, I don't think.

Wow. I started this at 1:06 and it is now 3:32. Please don't squib me--I spent too long on this application.

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