▪ please have common courtesy and remember your manners!
▪ do not edit, hotlink, or take credit for my work.
▪ skip an offer if you've requested any of my last 2 offers. this rule never ever applies to my loved list. they're free to request for anything and everything.
▪ before requesting, please pick up your previous request(s).
▪ use the form provided; do not change it or make your own.
▪ request using your real name or known nickname/username.
▪ 3 boxes minimum, 10 boxes maximum unless stated otherwise.
▪ type down the number of letters as a number, not the word. also, please do not include any other word after the number; i don't need anything but that.
▪ type down your username all in lowercase letters, no link.
▪ LOVED will use the subject line, no one else!
▪ please comment after you have claimed your requests.
▪ please don't take anything that wasn't made for you.
▪ please don't rename the files as credits are left in them.
▪ do not use my creations at other social networking sites.
▪ always save to your computer and upload to your own server.
▪ always credit italic @ lumosed.
▪ if you break one of these rules, i will not fill up your request or if you repeatedly keep breaking them, you will simply be put on my DNMF list.
made by
@ .
if you do not read my rules when requesting, i will not hesitate to delete your comment. for the rest of my rules, please read and follow them here!
these ladies are my loved ones; they can request every offer i post and they do not count towards the total. makers at the communities i make at are not counted as love.
▪ aglarien (aglarien1)
▪ allison (vapor)
▪ amanda (meunlocked)
▪ angel (shadowlady7966)
▪ anjali (anjak_j)
▪ ashley (mamabear84)*
▪ bao (snorchu)
▪ beth (ducklingpark)
▪ briana (tired_blue_eyes)
▪ caryn (nyyhoneybee)
▪ christie (glamor)*
▪ christine (padfoot)
▪ darkling (darklingfae)
▪ emily (jetcas)
▪ emma (emma2403)
▪ erica (wiinks)
▪ floory (floory)
▪ gates (gatesofdelirium)
▪ glenda (_magicsocks)
▪ jeana (jeanamarie)*
▪ jenny (girlys)*
▪ jessica (ladyofavalon77)
▪ jessika (dreemerr)
▪ kayleigh (invidious)
▪ katarina (10pm)
▪ kirsty (krisp)*
▪ ksena (kseenaa)
▪ lapluz (whomp)
▪ leslie (bang)
▪ lorelei (laurahonest)
▪ lucie (grace)
▪ melanie (penelopes_web)
▪ melissa (abelha_do_mel)
▪ natalie (nemama86)
▪ orellajoy (hisescape)*
▪ rebecca (thestarlet)
▪ rena (rainbow1907)
▪ sandra (pixelsandra)
▪ shayna (adorablexi)
▪ shizuka (7thbullet)
▪ steph (nightsky_planes)
▪ stephanie (stephmariemarsh)
▪ tallie (portus)*
▪ yuri (yueshi)TEMPORARY
▪ 13.03.19: kate (momof3dogs)
▪ a guaranteed spot on every single offer i post here and at hypnotiic.
▪ exclusive loved-only offers posted here.
▪ a badge with your name and loved time.
▪ monthly requests of 2 gallery blinkies.
▪ interested? you can purchase loved time by going here for prices or buy me membership from my wishlist. buying any membership (6-months to lifetime) from my wishlist will get you on my loved list permanently!
▪ i love an active requester so i expect you to request a lot. i honestly don't see the point of you buying a loved pass from me if you don't request. isn't that just a waste of money? if you're a maker that has kindly put me onto your loved list, i also expect you to request.
▪ if you're on my permanent loved list and have not requested once within two months yet i see you requesting from other makers, i will remove you and i will not give you your money back; this also goes for makers on my loved list.
▪ i am free to remove anyone from my loved list at anytime.
you're on my list because you're a known thief/copier, liar, a requesting hog, someone who has broken my rules several times, banned me from their community, and/or added me to their DNMF list.
amorably, arizonaqt, cityofgods, falloutgirl883, gad21, laughter311, jaquis, jejun, keslie32, lovedstatus/corpusdeliicti, octopi, princessleia81, saxykaty, seashellz, sugarskullz, supermassive_09, sweetestgirl83, tulips, uhmanduh523, whomever, xichigojam or any pixel site owners that just decided to join livejournal on a whim to watch over us.
i will have exclusive loved-only offers posted once or twice a week, are always unlimited, and will be open for a couple of days. pick-ups are posted as a reply to your comment or in a new entry, depending on the amount of loved ladies who request.
you are allowed to request 2 gallery blinkies. i will post an entry at every beginning of the month where you post your requests and they will be posted as a reply to your comment and not in a new entry.
if your loved time is about to expire, i will post an entry reminding you about your expiration about a week in advance. if you're interested in renewing, you can look below for renewal prices. if you don't want to renew, i will remove you from my loved list a day after your pass expires.
▪ 3 MONTHS: $5.50
▪ 6 MONTHS: $9.50
▪ 12 MONTHS: $16.00
▪ PERMANENT: $23.00