Title: AIR: Hopeful Eyes.
Tagline: Because like air we are there, you just can't see us ...
Chapters: Prologue + 33
luna_no_koibitoDedicated to: My beloved sister
neechanwrites .
Muse: The amazing writer of "
A Dirty Carnival"
minka_g .
Genre: Action, romance, human drama, introspection.
Warnings: Depending on chapter
Rating: from PG-13 to NC-17 depending on chapter
Pairing: I will updating the pairing at every chapter
Bands: Girugamesh, 12012, MUCC, Buck-Tick, SiD, Alice Nine., ScReW, D'espairsRay, Nightmare, Lynch.
Disclaimer: The story is mine, for me to share. The bands are not … like they would care.
Comment: This fiction will have a prequel called AIR: Hopeful Eyes, and a sequel called AIR: Vengeful Eyes, thus some things will be dealt in depth, in other occasions. But feel free to ask, there might be something that I might simply not have written clearly, in case there were some misunderstandings.
Summary: Something such as the perfect world, does not exist. Earth will never live in peace, because for it be so, war must exist. Just as countless bad things will continue happening, in order for us to appreciate the few good ones, or unfairness will continue to reign undisputed, in order for us to be willing to fight for righteousness. It is just in the natural balance of things, yet as humans we believe in change, we believe in an eventual final victory of the good over the bad; ideally, as humans we have learned to always hope for the best. In doing so, we should be inspired to actually make the change, and not simply sit, and watch. That being said, the reality of things, is that the majority of us will still find it easier to merely accept whatever injustice or harm, and merely run with the flow, but there do exist, even if only a few, some us, who have decided to make the change, and run their own flow...