Title: Silent Knight, Hidden Princess
Chaper: 6 - People's World / ??
luna_no_koibitoGenre: Human Drama, Angst, Romance
Warnings: some cursing (for this chapter)
Rating: PG-14 (for this chapter)
Pairing: Reita / Kai
Bands: The GazettE
Disclaimer: Just need your faces darlings, my fingers will type the rest ..._〆(・∀・@)
Summary: Be. Who you were meant to be, who they want you to be, or who you want to be. This is the story of two boys, eighteen year old Akira Suzuki and fifteen year old Yutaka Uke. This is the story of discovery, love, pain, and all the things that make life what it is; either it good or bad. This is the story of their search, fight, acceptance, hurt, growth, and their trial to understand exactly who and what they want to be in this world. This, is the story of the silent knight, and the hidden princess.
Lovers' World People's World
The typical moment during which the heroine of the overly-sappy and romantic movie is finally united with the love of her life, just to then unexpectedly have something, or usually someone, threaten their happiness. That was exactly what was unfolding right about then, and right about then was also when Yutaka would have normally grabbed the remote and fast-forward all the way towards the moment in which said threat was being eliminated, just right before the happy ending. Because that was all that really mattered; the lovely couple, the means to fight for happiness, and the achievement of said happiness. The end.
So now, how to defeat this threat?
“Well well then, let's talk ...” suddenly spoke the elder looking brunette flashing a rather unfriendly looking sneer, as he shoved his hands into his pockets, and began to walk towards them “... I take this one” he then calmly announced, and just as Akira was about to take a step closer to Yutaka, the elder brunette promptly wrapped his arm around the blond's neck, pulling the struggling blond away.
“Akir-” instantly uttered the brunette, as he impulsively leaped towards the blond, but was quickly pulled back by Olivia's hand promptly snatching his wrist.
“Kai-kun ...” calmly called the girl, while still holding her firm grip around Yutaka's wrist “... it's alright, nothing is going to happen to Reita ...” Olivia explained, but the younger wasn't even listening, all he knew was that some older boy he didn't know had suddenly snatched his boy away, and there was definitely nothing alright with that.
“Let me go!” apprehensively exclaimed the brunette as he roughly freed his wrist from Olivia, whom then swiftly wrapped her arms around Kai's waist, catching the younger completely off-guard. He'd never had a girl wrapped around him, and as expected; he did not like it “I might hurt you if you don't get off ...” lowly and angrily hissed the brunette, trying his best to keep his cool, because even though all he wanted to do was to violently shove her way, she was a girl, and girls were supposedly never to be hit.
“Look at them ...” she then quickly ordered. On impulse,Yutaka obeyed just to then witness the elder brunette playfully ruffling the blond's hair with a genuine smile, while Akira was irritatedly typing something on his cellphone “... that's Masahito Kojima, Reita's senpai, though he is better known as Byou … he graduated from here last year, but he used to have almost skinhead short blond hair, so people are just not recognizing him lately …” explained Olivia while releasing her grip on Yutaka, whose heartbeat was gradually approaching normality, as he kept observing the duo “... sorry about the scare … he just … likes commotion, he always has ...” she finally stated, in a much less lively pitch, as Yutaka finally turned to face her.
Now that the situation had been somewhat clarified, Yutaka suddenly felt extremely tired, what with not really having slept, added to the excitement of the event preceding this one, and ultimately this scare, all he wished for was to happily pass out. However, there still was one issue to settle.
Shoving his hands in his pockets he then silently kept his head slightly low, as he darted his gaze towards Akira, and then Olivia, whom genuinely smiled at him. Supposing that they somehow hadn't caught them holding hands, his quite vehement reaction probably would have only served to make the situation even stickier. Though he could have attempted to make it pass as a "caring for a dear friend defensive reaction", he had the feeling that Olivia wouldn't have had that.
“I'm glad we bumped into you guys ...” suddenly spoke Olivia as she observed Akira and the elder brunette interact “... things aren't easy for him, and they are bound to become even worse ...” she dejectedly spoke, her delicate pale features assuming a pained expression “we are not even supposed to see each other … but we are, we have been for four years now ...” bitterly spoke the brunette, then turning to face a slightly confused and deadly silent Yutaka “... so if you could not say a word about us, I would be incredibly grateful, I'll do anyt-” she firmly requesting, firmly looking at the brunette, whom however unconsciously interrupted her.
“Why?” dazedly inquired Yutaka, as the girl questioningly looked at him. Yutaka just couldn’t understand. She was a girl and he was a boy; so why weren't them allowed to be? All this time, he had been so fixated on thinking about how same gender relationships were not accepted that somehow in his mind it simply mad sense that any heterosexual one would never have any sort of extremal issue “why … can't you two be together?” he then added in a louder and friendlier tone, as the girl merely smiled at him “You don't have to tell me if you can't, sorry I-” he then quickly added, remembering that he also had things he didn't necessarily wanted, or could, to chat about.
“No, it's fine ...” she reassured “you've seen us anyway, so might as well … it probably would let me feel better, to let it all out you know ...” she smiled, as Yutaka replied with a weak on of his “long story short, he has a fiance, his had one since the day he was born really ...” Olivia began to explain, as something within Yutaka began to hurt, perhaps feeling were this was heading “... you'd think that in this tie and age, things like arranged marriages are things you'd read in novels, or old history books … but apparently not” apathetically continued the girl, her unnaturally white features not flinching, but Yutaka could tell her eyes were perhaps ready to shade a few “... particularly rich families are very apt to do so, and by particularly rich, I mean the type of money you wouldn't think a single human should ever posses rich” she cynically smirked.
“So then … why … he hadn't told you?” weakly expressed the younger brunette, whom was still wondering why exactly had he thought that only himself, and people like him should have relationship issues. How cloud he have been so selfish and blind not to properly see the world he lived in. Hetero or homo, humans were just humans.
“He told me, he had always known … and at the time, I hadn't taken it seriously, you know … watching dramas and movies, thinking that somehow somewhere we'd be like them too … have a happy ending and such, but ...” she then bitterly smiled, looking up at the sky; perhaps in order to not let any tear down.
“But ...” sorrowfully expressed Yutaka.
“There isn't such thing as a happy ending, at least not for everyone … and the reason why we took it this far, is most likely because I am stupid ...” she then lightly laughed “... I'm stupidly in love”.
Moments like this, crying could have comforted her, but it didn't look like she was going to allow herself to, Olivia didn't look like the crying type, yet Yutaka felt like crying in her place. He felt like hugging her, he felt like doing that simple gesture could have done something, maybe not solve her problem, but perhaps make her feel a bit better. Yet, he couldn't take a single step, feeling as if he could break something, given as how fragile the atmosphere was around them.
“It's funny cause, I want to hug you … but I can't move …” weirdly smirked the brunette, as a few tears dropped down his own cheeks, as he lowered his head “... I … I don't even know why I'm crying” he added, as the girl walked towards him, and without any warning hugged him.
“Thank you ...” she whispered “... I'm not really used to crying, so I guess that's my share?” she kindly spoke.
“Boys shouldn't cry ...” lowly stated Yutaka, gently pulling himself away from the girl, while pressing both his eyes with his fingers, as if to squeeze away any remaining tear.
“Says who?” Olivia playfully challenged, as the younger merely shrugged, and out of nowhere he began to talk.
“It would be really bad if my parents knew that I … that I ...” Yutaka found himself saying, as he kept staring at his feet, suddenly lacking the strength to look up at the girl “As you might know, I have known Akira, Reita, for a while … and … for the same while, I liked him, a lot” he kept explaining, not exactly knowing what was making him talk, since he felt like sinking at each word he was professing “and somehow, I still can't explain or even quite grasp it all but … “ and there he stopped, the words "boyfriends, "we are dating", "we are an item" none of them making it out of his mouth.
“Mhmm ...” amusingly hummed Olivia “So he bats for the same team uh? … wouldn't have said, nor that he liked girls really though … I just can't tell Reita sometimes ...” she lightly chuckled.
“I don't think he realizes what this implies, I still think it might just be an act of his kindness, so … I don't think you could quite say that he is like me ...” Yutaka quickly corrected.
“Like you? What do you mean, I am not following, what are you?” inquired the girl in feign ignorance, most likely rhetorically wanting Yutaka to say the word "gay", which until this very moment, he hadn't realize just how hard it was for him to say out loud. He never had the chance to properly tell anyone whom hadn't been like him, and even with Akira it wasn't like he had actually came out “... there is nothing bad with being gay you know?” gently spoke Olivia.
“I know ...” quickly and a bit brashly replied Kai, suddenly feeling quite frustrated “I just-, for now, nobody must know ...” firmly continued the brunette “... please” he then gently added.
“Don't worry, your secret is safe with me ...” smiled Olivia “it is such a pity though, given to how accepting our group is ...” she then observed, as Yutaka lightly smiled “... it's okay, at least one of us knows right?” she then winked “I'll watch out for you ...” she promised.
“I'll do the same” Yutaka replied, this time with a genuine smile.
“You have a mighty beautiful smile ...” expressed Olivia “... you should smile more often” she suggested.
“I could say the same for you” retorted Yutaka, as the both silently stared at each other, holding in a laugh.
“By the way, Kazuki, my twin brother … he knows about me and Masahito, so it is okay to talk to him if you want, he is the only one that has ever known, but I never considered him as another person … me and Kazuki are like one ...” tenderly expressed Olivia “... he the male version of me, he is everything that I am not, he … in short, there is nothing I haven't told Kazuki” she concluded with a smile, wishing he could do the same with Yurika. Oh how he wish he could “you have a twin sister as well right? Have you told her?” she curiously asked.
“No ...” Yutaka calmly replied “we used to be close in the same way in the past, but even if we got to be close again, even if she came to know that I am … the way I am ...” he then stopped, feeling a headache just at the thought of having to eventually find a way to tell her about Akira “... it's a bit complicated, but I'd say that at the moment, she is perhaps the least person I'd want to let know” he concluded.
“I see ...” the girl vaguely replied. Yutaka wasn't sure whether she had caught on something, or whether she was merely politely dismissing him, but now that he could finally breathe and pass out, he wasn’t going to pry any further “... I was going to break up with him today” finally admitted Olivia, as Yutaka silently looked at her “... but he won't have it. He is ready throw everything away, and he is so hard-headed. For now I was able to get him to promise to at least finish university, and be good at it too, however, ...” she continued turning to look at the two boys walking back “... that is when they want him to finally get married” she then concluded, as Masahito tightly embraced her from behind.
“I don't know who's the catcher or the receiver between the two of you but” shamelessly began the eldest brunette, as Yutaka turned all shades of red, while Akira was merely staring eyes-wide opened “... you've got a good man there Kai” Masahito added “... just like me for her, whom was trying to dump me, can you believe it?!” playfully expressed the elder, as Olivia stomped rather hard on his foot “w- what was that for?!” indignantly screamed the long haired brunette, as he kept jumping on his other foot looking extremely pained.
“I'll see you guys later ...” Olivia serenely stated, nodding at both Yutaka and Akira, as she calmly walked towards the same way the younger duo had come in from.
Yutaka shyly smiled at her and watched her leave, once gone he turned towards Masahito, whom was slowly massaging his offended foot on the ground, while Akira had quickly finished writing a message on his phone. Then, within three awkward seconds, the blond first turned the phone towards the eldest, whom perhaps hadn't even had the time to read the first word, before the blond apologetically turned the phone towards Yutaka.
Shouldn't you be following her … (-_- )
lowly read Yutaka, after which he tried to discretely nudge his head towards the elder, and getting the sign Akira then showed the elder the message. Until that moment, it hadn't occurred to Yutaka that there would be instance in which he wouldn't have been ale to know what he would tell other unless he either lived in his cellphone, or breathed on his neck.
He surely would lie if he'd said that he didn't care to know every single thing that came out of the blond's mind, yet it would have been quite awkward and inconvenient for the blond to always have to show him things first. Then again it wasn't like he could have done that in normal setting anyways, since nobody was to know about them. Still, he'd have to clarify with him that he needed not too bother too much with him, no matter how much he actually wanted him to.
Love, the King of paradox.
“Man, you sure are the gentleman ...” observed Byo, while reading through the messages “... I'm sure every girl on this planet would die for a boyfriend like you, so openly considerate of hi partner ...” he stated, looking up and towards Yutaka, when he stressed the word "openly". The younger brunette merely shifted his gaze away, he didn't need anyone telling him that he wasn’t being too fair towards Akira, he knew that perfectly. “... and she is most likely waiting in the car … but I'll definitely go chasing after her in a sec, most girls like to be chased, and now Olivia isn't most girls … but I'm sure she appreciates that as well, just wouldn't admit it” he then paused, turning to watch the baseball field.
“Ma~n, I miss this place, this field most of anything ...” he stated nostalgically smiling towards it, and then back at them “... but I better get going, unless she is really going to chew me alive, and she will” he greeted and walked towards the secret answer, but stopped as soon as Yutaka suddenly spoke.
“You are not … going to brake up … right?” he impulsively and hesitantly asked. He usually wouldn't have dared to be as bold, but it seemed like today was just that type of day already, so might have as well carry it on. Plus, even though Olivia and Masahito's situation was very different from his and Akira, the struggle, the will to want to be together, he could relate to, and in a way, he just wanted an assurance that they would keep on fighting to be together. He wanted an assurance that he wasn't the only fool in love in this world.
“Fuck no ...” declared the eldest brunette with a broad smile before darting out.
“You had a quite interesting senpai ...” stated Yutaka calmly turning to face Akira, after which it dawned on him that they were alone, again. As the his internal organs began to twitch in happiness, he began to tell himself that he needed to get used to this as quickly as possible.
He was the captain of our baseball team. He was a great player, with an awful behavior to go with it … I still can't see how the two of them happened (< <; )
Akira wrote in reply, making the brunette light chuckle and nod in agreement.
“So you are on the baseball team ...” stated Yutaka as they resumed cautiously waking, out of the hidden area, towards the school. How he wished they could hold hands again.
I did, but not joining this year. If I got my hands injured it would be bad, since I need them to draw (^_^)
Akira quickly typed, as the brunette nodded. In all honesty, he never would have imagined Akira the type to play baseball, but four years was a long time, and he could only imagine the number of things he didn’t know about him. Obviously, he was determined to get to know all of it, year by year, day by day, moment by moment he had missed, Akira willing.
The sound of student could already be heard, as they approached the front of the school, and just before they could see any or be seen, Yutaka performed his last act of boldness grabbing the blond's wrist and making him stop. Once Akira had stopped and inquisitively looked at him, the brunette instantly got back to his former self, swiftly releasing the captured wrist, and shyly staring at his shoes.
“Don't worry about showing me whatever you write first, or even showing me at all...” distressingly began the brunette “... it really is okay, and I could get what you wrote from the person's reply in most cases … and even if I don't it is okay … it could be something he could talk about later … if you want” concluded the brunette, as he slowly looked up at Akira, whom smiled and nodded in agreement “Okay, now we can go, I go first th-” he quickly declared, but was interrupted as his wrist was the one to be grabbed this time.
I forgot to say this after all the commotion this morning but … from now on, I'll be in your care m(_ _)m
wrote the blond, making Yutaka vivid red as soon as he red it. Just how much more perfect could this boy be? And how incredibly lucky was he?
“H-hai! I'll be in your care as well!” he excitedly replied bowing at the blond. Then, once risen, Akira made sign for him to go first, which he did after a quick shy smile. Aimlessly walking straight, Yutaka was suddenly glad to the fact that they all met by the big tree, because his eyes could spot it and he didn't have to exactly concentrate, since he quite couldn't at the moment. Coming off of cloud nine this time would have been hard even if he'd try to.
“Yo!” loudly greeted Aoi as soon as he got there.
“Hey ...” plainly replied Yutaka, then politely bowing at everyone else, Olivia in particular.
“What was with that face, you looked lost or something ...” curiously inquired Aoi staring at the younger brunette.
“Mind your business for once would you, Aoi-pooh” nonchalantly spoke Olivia, whom was, as her usual, wrapped around her brother's arm.
“Shut up you hinamatsuri-doll! And I thought you had stopped calling me that, I have told you many times to stop calling me that … Oi! Are you listening? O~i!” kept loudly retorting the elder brunette, whose attention had now gratefully shifted “O! Reita~! ...” he then almost cried as he observed the blond make his entrance “my only friend!” he shamelessly and loudly declared, as everyone either laughed or shook their heads.
Yutaka rolled his eyes, and tried his best not to fling his bag into his cousin's face, because of how he was clinging to the blond. Before he knew it, he realized he was staring, and just as he checked that nobody else had noticed, his gaze finally stopped on Ruki, whom however, gave him a seemingly knowing look, with a devilish smile to go with it.
Shit. No rest for the wicked it seemed.
“... Mars to Reita!” suddenly resounded Ruki's voice, as Akira blinked away from the unfinished canvas in front of himself, to the shorter boy, whom was sitting to his right, working on his own canvas “The fuck Rei ...” mumbled the elder “I was beginning to wonder whether you were the one painting the canvas, or whether the canvas was painting you” he added, as Reita gave him a quick dispassionate smirk and instantly resumed painting.
However, Ruki loved to talk, and knowing the elder like he did, Akira knew that what was about to unfold was a persistent, and rather obnoxious. inquisition regarding the events of this morning, which not only he normally wouldn't have been willing to share, but in this case he couldn't quite do as much. Yet, given the way Ruki was staring at him and Kai in the cafeteria, the blond knew he soon would have had to discuss the matter. Even just accidentally walking past the younger brunette in the corridor, and quickly smiling at each other, had been enough to gain a "Uh-uh I see how it is" grin from the elder, which irritated him to no end.
“So tell me loverboy … if I am correct, from the looks of Kai-kun, you two are now an item … right?” Ruki instigated, but Reita merely kept painting. It was simply the two of them in the room anyways, since classes had ended, so he didn't need to worry about anyone else listening into their conversation. Still though “Alright, okay, keep ignoring me, but there is no, and I repeat no not-breeding couple that can pass through me and I won't notice, and now if you don't want me to spread the happy new-” kept chanting Ruki, but suddenly shut up as soon as Reita turned towards him looking homicidal. Then, quickly bringing out his phone, he began to type.
Good for you! I had no doubt about it, so I won't even waste a breath trying to deny this with you. However, you WILL have to pretend that you know nothing, because that is how we are going to have it.
After reading the message, Akira placed his phone on a little table to his left, next to the other drawing utensils, and resumed paining, while Ruki merely kept silently staring into space.
“That's … not good Reita ...” Ruki finally then spoke “... those types, people that want to keep shit hidden are never good news.” he cautiously continued speaking, this time not a drop of hilarity present in his voice. Nothing but cold seriousness, which was even worse than regular Ruki, because all that came out of the mouth of a serious-Ruki had the tendency to be right. Yet, Reita continued ignoring. “... This is your first relationship, and not only it is not with a girl, which would have made things easier … but … I mean, being with a person in secret is not easy, and just wrong to begin with ...” he added, as Reita ignored him for a few seconds more, just to then frustratingly drop his brush and pick up his cell-phone.
Weren't you the one pushing me to this?!
“Yeah, but just because I thought we'd finally be two openly happy gay couples, that could do shit together and not having to sneakily ask you about shit … you know me, I don't do that, and you shouldn't either. I wouldn't be able to trust a person like that.” firmly stated the elder, still trying to keep a bit of tact.
You don't know Kai
very childishly and quite dumbly wrote the blond, which however, was exactly the way he felt. No matter how dumb or childish he knew that he could trust Kai. Akira also fully understood where Ruki was coming from, and as suspected he was obviously right, but he chose to be in this by himself, nobody forced him, and he still wanted to be in it.
“Of course, and you do ...” sarcastically retorted the elder “... four years is a long fucking time Reita, people can change, and I am sure you know shit about what happened during those years” accused the elder, and where he was wrong about the fact that he knew nothing, since Kai had given him a general picture of what happened, on the other hand Ruki still had a point. Four years were indeed a long time, and indeed he could have changed, but it wasn't like he didn’t' know that. Just the first time they met Reita had to double-take to be sure he was looking at the same person hr thought he knew four years ago. However, when it came to be just the two of them, it was different, it felt almost as if things had resumed from the moment in which Kai had left four years go.
Being around Kai had brought back comfort and serenity he hadn't experienced in a long time. Yes, the brunette was nervous, shy, and insecure about this whole relationship issue, but the fact that he longed to be in his presence was quite the undeniable fact, and the same went for Akira. Thus, if keeping their relationship secret was what was needed for them to keep this going, then that was what he was going to do.
I've never before asked a single thing of you, Takanori, but I am now. Please don't ruin this for me, I beg of you. Please.
once Ruki had finished reading the message, he angrily chewed on his lower lip, and resumed painting.
“Going as far as to call my real name, that serious already? … tsk! Don't come crying to me when shit come rolling down …” he then lowly hissed “because it will, and shit don't smell nice, nope it doesn't” he kept murmuring to himself, as Akira gratefully smiled in relief.
I'm a big boy now. I can clean myself (^__________^)
wrote Akira, which Ruki glimpsed and sarcastically laughed.
“Trying to be a friend and keep you away from trouble, because I care about you, not in the same way I care about Uruha, but I do, I care, but no! Mister "I've never been in a relationship, nor ever took tragic love stories as Romeo and Juliet seriously and have no fucking idea how really tragic can tragic love be" won't let me do my job … so … what-ever ... nobody listens to me anyways” kept murmuring the elder, as Akira merely rolled his eyes, and was about to reply to something as witty when he received a text message.
From: Uke Yurika
To: Me
Good afternoon Suzuki-senpai, this Yurika, Yutaka's sister, we had spoken before about practicing sign language, and we had talked about doing it today. Would now be okay?
“Is that your honey~? ...” questioningly chanted Ruki, as he danced on his stool to a tune he was whistling, while waiting for the blond to either nod or shake his head. Thus the blond merely shook his head, which apparently the else wasn’t expecting “What you mean no?! Then who is it? Gimme that ...” forcefully ordered the shorter trying to reach for Akira's cell-phone whom quickly gave him a "mind your business" glare, and turned around to answer the text.
He had honestly forgotten of this promise, in fact in his head he was already thinking of what other boyfriend-like duties he ought to have done as soon as he was done with the present painting. Though Kai hadn't mention wanting to meet after school, it should have been normal to have wanted to, right? However, a promise was a promise, and the person in question was no other than his boyfriend's sister, so he needed to be in his utmost behavior and carry this out.
From: Me
To: Uke Yurika
Sure! In fact, I'm actually free right now, where are you? I'll come meet you (^__^)
“You are so mean!” loudly whined Ruki “I always tel you everything, like everything, and you never ever share anything with me! Meanie!” childishly whined the elder, as Akira gave him a feign sorrowful look, while touching hi lips and make sign with his hands that he wasn't able to talk, after which he shrugged with the same pretense pained look “... You can be such an ass at time … I should share this to the rest of the word that thinks you are so divine, in fact I could tell Kai-kun right away, no I should, I should tell him right away” threatened the elder bringing out his cell-phone and beginning to quickly type something, while Akira tried to snatch the device away from him, but was interrupted by another incoming message.
From: Uke Yurika
To: Me
Oh no worries! I'll come to wherever you are! Just tell me where I will be there as quickly as I can Frustratingly sighing at Ruki, whom mischievously grinned at him, while pressing the send button. The blond then began his reply to Kai's sister, and soon after another one for Kai.
From: Me
To: Uke Yurika
Ok, I'm in the drawing room on the third floor ^ ^”
From: Me
To: Kai
Don't believe a word Ruki says m(_ _)m. He is a chibi-manipulator in search of attention m(_ _)m
Once the younger was done sending the two messages, he gave the elder a warning glare, which was dismissed with a playful shrug. Sighing and resignedly shaking his head, Akira turned towards his canvas for the umpteenth time int the arch of ten minutes and was about to place his brush on it when his cell-phone vibrate twice.
From: Uke Yurika
To: Me
Hai! I'll be there in a few
From: Kai
To: Me
He just told me I looked nice today ^ ^” But I won't lie, he do get weird vibes around him m(_ _)m
Mentally chuckling at Kai's reply, he dropped his brush, and began his reply, which however he couldn't finish being interrupted by Ruki's elbow nudge.
“Here that? ...” he lowly stated, while creepily grinning and staring at the room's entrance. Akira looked towards the door and seeing nothing, nor hearing anything particular, he turned towards Ruki with a "what the hell" expression “it's giggling, the female-breeding encouraging kind … and given that it is a known fact in the school that I don't breed, I would say that this one is for you ...” vaguely explained the elder, while Reita confusingly stared at him wishing that for once he'd spoke less-cryptic Japanese. Yet, as they both stayed silent, he was able to sense some loud whisper, and soon after the realization a knock came at the door, soon followed by more giggling, and the door itself opening. It wasn't like he could reply with a "come in" anyways.
Konnichiwa! vividly signed whom then turned out to be Kai's sister. Reita smiled at her, while oddly wondering how had she got to the place so quickly, given as to how freshmen where all on the first floor. “Konnichiwa” she then shyly stated looking at Ruki, whom as well silently smiled in reply, but differently from Akira less longer, and less friendlier Are you sure it is okay? If you are busy I can come another time she then worryingly expressed.
It is fine, from what I'm seeing so far this won't last long anyways signed Akira, which was obviously meant to be a compliment, but the girl seemed more displeased than anything. This was his first time dealing one-on-one with a girl whom wasn’t part of his group, classmate or mother, and he was beginning to realize that perhaps he wasn't good at it. Yet, what he had said wasn't bad right? Had it not been Kai's sister he wouldn't have worried though, but she was, and having her not smile wasn't going to be good Please sit over here Akira humbly signed, as he swiftly freed a chair next to him from his jacket and bag.
Yurika nodded and smiled as she gracefully walked her way towards the blond. She was without a doubt a quite beautiful girl, sure to soon make plenty of hearts throb. Differently from Olivia she seemed to be quite friendly and shy, two points which guys always seemed to appreciate in a girl. However, as he kept staring at the girl, he saw glimpses of Kai, which made him lightly smirk as he imagined the brother blushing in the same way.
Something wrong with my face? worryingly signed Yurika as she shyly touched her cheeks, while Akira quickly shook his head, instantly snapping out of his daze, the girl now seemingly incredibly pleased. Finally, he did something right.
Shall we start with casual talk or professional talk? Though since it is our first time, I suppose casual might be less pressuring, was what I signed clear? expressed the blond.
Yes, causal is fine. Yes, I understood happily replied the girl, as Akira nodded along.
Why did you start sign language? began Akira, thinking of the most common and natural question a person whom doesn’t need sign language would be asked. However, Yurika's face instantly vamped as she blankly stared at Akira, whom impulsively glimpsed at Ruki, whom was nonchalantly glimpsed at the girl You don't have to feel any pressure, this is really casual, any answer would be fine. Such as … to communicate with speech-impaired people, or … personal interest ...anything really hurriedly and reassuringly signed the blond.
Personal interest hesitantly signed the girl, mortifying glimpsing at her laps, and soon back to the blond.
That's good! A lot of speech-impaired people such as myself appreciate the effort of regular people such as yourself, it is really impressive complimented Akira with a genuine smile, meaning every single word Differently from people like this guy he then signed, blatantly pointing at Ruki, whom vexatiously squinted his eyes at him, making the girl lightly chuckle, instantly reminding Akira of her brother. The blond really wanted be with him right now.
Their conversation proceeded in the same relaxed manner, with Akira successfully working his mighty best to keep the topics light, and the girl smiling. Before he could notice, and hour had already gone by and Yurika was humbly getting to her feet, same as Akira, whereas Ruki kept observing the girl in the same nonchalant way he had since she had stepped in.
Thank you so much senpai! This was really helpful! signed Yurika, deeply bowing at Akira Would it be okay to do this again next week at the same time and place? she then inquired, as the blond nodding without thinking of whether or not he was indeed available Thank you so much! You very kind she then shyly signed.
No problem at all. Do you need me to walk you home? he then signed, hoping for a positively reply in such away of having an excuse for even just seeing her brother. Yet, the girl turned bright red once again, and quickly shook her head.
I'm going home with some friends. But thank you very much! she nervously signed and once again deeply bowed, after which she bowed at Ruki and walked out of the room, excited giggling could be heard some seconds later, leaving the proximity of the room. Exhausted, Akira took a big breath and dropped on his stool with a big exhale, as he slowly passed his hand across his face.
“So you finally clued in uh? ...” calmly spoke Ruki, as he gave final touches to his drawing, just to then glimpse at Akira's confused expression, whom had no idea of what Ruki was talking about, other than he did he's best he could to leave a good impression with the sister of his new boyfriend, and that hopefully she'll have nothing to complain about him to Kai “Oh god ...seriously? ...” indignantly expressed Ruki, as the blond merely shrugged “... dude, she likes you! It is as clear as day! Giggling friends all waiting in a group, blushing at every compliment, depressing at every non-favorable signs … typical breeder tell-tell signs …” Ruki concluded, as the blond stared at him unmoving, praying for the elder to be completely wrong about that “So much drama is about to hit you, and you don't even know … back out of this while you are on time Rei ...” the elder once again advised.
Getting on his feet, Akira began to pack up his stuff, as Uruha nonchalantly waltzed into the room, not like he was requested to leave, in fact the three of them usually walked out of the school together. However, he really needed some time away from the elder, and his perhaps quite righteous warning.
“Leaving already?” inquired Uruha in concern, as Akira smiled and nodded.
“See you tomorrow ...” plainly stated Ruki, at whom the blond merely nudged his head in acknowledgment “... don't be rash, think stuff over, like you always do, ne?” added the shorter with a peaceful grin, after which Akira reassuringly nodded, smiled and walked out of the room.
As he walked down the stairs, Akira found himself seriously thinking through everything that had happened since morning, or rather, he was trying the best he could to find something wrong with Ruki's thought process. But in the end it wasn't about what Ruki thought, nor about Kai's situation, or anything else. In the end he was the one responsible for his own actions, his own decisions, and all the consequences that would have followed thereafter.
Somehow, he could sense the prospect of a possible disaster, it obviously wasn't a good prospect to say the least, but getting separated from Kai again didn't sound any better. If that were to happen again, it felt like this time they wouldn't have been able to reunite, and that thought was alarming. When and how exactly had he developed this sort of unjustified-dependency to the younger brunette, he had no idea, but it was amazing to say the least. At least it was for a person, whom was used to feel any kind of real excitement from his drawings solely.
Suddenly remembering that he hadn't replied Kai's previous message the blond suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor, a few feet away from the principal's office, where he began to type away, but stopped as soon as the distinctive foreign accent of a second person speaking instantly drew him into the conversation.
“As of now, we are actually in need of a first year physical education instructor, or English one. You do seem to be fit for either or, so I would leave the choice up to you” humbly spoke the principal, as Akira cautiously walked closer to the office.
“I know that, for obvious reasons, you might like me to fill the English position, but I would feel more qualified for the physical education one” stated the foreign guest with the typical thick accent of an American-English language speaker. Carefully checking his surroundings, Akira then resumed walking, slowly in order to be able to peep in and have a look at their international guest, just to then find a completely Japanese looking man, perhaps in his early twenties. The guest and Akira made eyes contact, and it only lasted a few seconds, but the blond could have sworn that the other had smiled at him not randomly, but meaning it.
A Japanese-American in their school, not even a week after a Japanese returning from America had appeared; what were the chances? Though this person obviously was probably not even born in Japan, given the thick accent, the situation was just too atypical. Reason why, Akira just couldn't help but think that Kai had somehow something to do with this person. It was perhaps a quite baseless assumption, he knew that much, but the presentiment was too strong, and the feelings not of any positive nature. Something was about to happen, and now, more than anything, he wanted to see Kai quite badly.
Hey, could we meet? Please
Perhaps the "Please" made the whole text message sound a bit desperate, then again, perhaps he was feeling a bit on the edge, a bit insecure, somewhat concerned, even fearful. Perhaps he was worrying too much, perhaps it was all for nothing. However, it currently felt as if there was some weird force in the world that just didn’t want the two of them to be together. Then again, perhaps he was just being uncharacteristically needy and border-line paranoid, because in the end, in the eyes of the world, weren't they merely another negligible weight randomly walking over it?
CHAPTER 7 - Domino
AN: It's been A LONG ASS WHILE. I know and I apologize m(_ _)m. Though I have finally successfully graduated, finding a job is turning out to be another headache and trying to be positive in this economy, when the majority of the people around you is convinced that you will find nothing, is rather depressing (^ ^” ) no matter how righteous ANYWAYS … back to the story …
So Olivia didn't bring bad news after all, and as some of you had already rightfully guessed the boy was Byo. This encounter helped Kai to realize that just because in appearance other people seem to have no problems, doesn't mean they don't or that they can't be as complicated if not even more complicated than the once he is experiencing. It can always get worse ne? Whereas for Akira, he is realizing that all the odds are against him in this relationship his got himself into, not only, bur now we have a guest … a menacing feeling one … is it another bluff like Olivia? Or is Akira right to feel threatened? But for starters, who is he? (Hint: Well of course it is a J-Rocker duh~~~ lol)
I'm really hoping it won't take me too long to get to the next chapter. My mind is wondering in the land of one-shots so and desperately wishing for a job to come my way lol yeah … by for now~ Let me go and reply to past comments.
Much Love -LnK♥(~_^ )/-