Title: The Black Daisy's Mirror.
Chapter: One-Shot.
PooobaihrGenre: Angst, Romance, light Crack.
Warnings: men/men touching, somewhat smuttish, cursing.
Rating: NC-17.
Pairing: Mao/Byou.
Bands: Sadie; SCREW
Disclaimer: Just need your faces darlings, my fingers will type the rest ..._〆(・∀・@)
Summary: Why was he suddenly wanting to suck on juicy oranges, when all they had been planting and growing were fucking apple trees? . [Byou's POV]
The Black Daisy's Mirror
“Why shit Sherlock ... you don't say ...” loudly grumbled Byou in cynical bewilderment, as he listlessly gazed into his own reflection, while effortlessly trying to keep his whole being somewhat steady. Then, following what felt like an eternity, he hesitantly rose one of his hands upwards, intending to lightly tap the ends of his still wet hair. Said hand however, never even made it half way into its journey, when heavily and dejectedly, it was repositioned on the edge of the carelessly black-stained sink, from which it had risen.
“... it's so fucking black ...” he then exhaled, bitterly smirking at himself, while continuing his resentful staring, as if he hadn't been the very one to have applied the black hair-dye. Suddenly feeling like he was about to throw up, once again, he impulsively opened the mirror-cabinet just to frustratingly, once again, not find what he was looking for “... I'm a fucking retard … I … ugh ...” Byou irritatingly grunted as he wondered exactly why was it that he never had anything to sedate hangovers, when he knew just how much he drank, and how destructive his aftermaths turned out to be.
Soon after, when a sudden cold shiver had finally made it clear that his bare shoulders had gathered enough drops of water, the newly turned brunette finally snapped out of his heedless daze. Grudgingly, he reached for a hair-drier and a comb, instantly beginning the drying and straightening procedure. All the while, his eyes kept unwaveringly staring at himself, but weren't truly watching, not anymore anyways, for he didn't want to see any of it anymore, not his hair, or its owner.
Once done, the brunette absentmindedly stumbled his hung-over self into his room, where, to his own immense surprise, he managed to get himself dressed without his mind wandering amidst any of the unwanted mental digression, which lately had been his constant companions. Digressions from which he was currently getting ready to run away, because he'd finally had enough of it all. This was truly going to be it.
As he sat at the edge of his bed, his left leg subconsciously shaking from habit, while he apathetically bit the tip of his thumb, Byou slowly took a look around his room, deciding to perhaps give his decision another thought, just to then instantly abandon the idea, sensing his headache about to get worse. Thus, promptly standing up, and quickly regretting it, he held his throbbing head as he wobbled towards his desk.
Loudly sighing in frustration, he stopped for a few seconds in order to calm a sudden nauseous wave, after which he slowly stooped, opened the last of three drawers, lifted all its content, and grabbed the key at its bottom. After having observed the key for longer than intended, he then shoved it into the back pocket of his jeans, as he also finally listened to the tiny voice in his head encouraging him to somehow ignore his wailing skull, get back to his feet, and get going.
A whole five minutes of grumbling and sighing later, Byou was finally back on his feet, snatching his wallet from atop his desk, and resolutely concluding on leaving his cell phone behind, as he dejectedly pulled up the edged-furry hoodie of his black leather bomber-jacket. Then, wrapping a red and orange woolen scarf around his neck and mouth, he walked into his hallway where he mechanically wore his leather gloves as he glimpsed at the falling snow outside the corridor window, after which, without bothering to lock the door, he left his apartment.
The fact that it was snowing was an obvious indication that today was going to be cold, yet the brunette kept incessantly muttering curses behind his tightly wrapped scarf, as if he hadn't expected it to be any cold at all. Nonetheless, shoving both his gloved hands into the pockets of his jacket, he kept walking, and cursing everything that his still throbbing brain cells could think of, from the weather for being so inclement of his miserable conditions, to himself for being so stupid, just so stupid, so hopeless and oh so fucking stupid to venture out into such weather.
All the same, he was at least grateful that the chill seemed to give his body some sort of rigidity, which helped with walking straight and concealing the fact that he wasn't fully sober. He also had to commend himself for being coherent enough to find his bearing towards Tokyo's main train station, which meant that he wasn't such a useless human being after all, was he?
Every now and then he glimpsed at the myriad of people, whom surprisingly still decided, as he had, to venture in it, and as he observed some of them, Byou sarcastically mused on the fact that out of all the days he perhaps truly needed to have worn make up, today, would have been one of those. Ah the shitty irony! The urge of getting out had however been greater, and even though he was depressed enough to seek a train, he wouldn't attempt to jump in front of one like many of his fellow Japanese would have, and he never would have, for he wasn't even close to be anything like his fellow Japanese.
He loved his country, no doubt about that, however, he wasn’t going to die for it so to say. Yet, wasn't it exactly because he wasn't like his fellow Japanese that everything was coming crumbling down again? It had happened once before, hadn't it? Yet, he was miraculously given the strength to give it all another chance. Once more, he had given a chance to these risk loathing, attention avoiding, goal limiting people. Yes he had, but low and behold, once more he was being disappointed. Once again, the great Tokyo, his birth city, the city in which virtually every Japanese, and not, wished to live, had failed him.
Thus, as he had the first time, Byou was getting the fuck out, and this time he had absolutely no intention of getting back to any of it ever again, because it was just too much. The wrath, the frustration, the utter disbelief at what was happening once again, made it so excruciatingly hard to even want to force himself to breath in his present environment this time. But most of all, the one thing he truly had no idea how to deal with, was the unexpected amount of pain, which had been generate from this whole situation. Just … how could he have done this to them?
How could Yuuto have done this to him.
Hadn't their recently turned ex-bassist been the very one to have cheered him on when Joker had disbanded? The one who had talked him into not giving up, the one with whom he then had envisioned and projected SCREW? Hadn't they sat together, laughing over the idea of the name "SCREW", and hadn't he been the one to firmly say "Why not? It's catchy enough”? All the goals they had set, all the things they had worked so hard to fix in order not have the previous mess repeat, how could all of that be so easily tossed away?
Just ... why the fuck was he suddenly craving to suck on juicy oranges, when all they had been planting and growing were fucking apple trees?
It was unexpected dick-moves such as this, which were capable of bringing him to tears. However, he dared himself to shed even the image of a tear for that backstabbing bastard. Oh how he wished now that he had cursed the hell out of him, instead of just silently standing there as he was being told all that bull-shit about "wanting different things". However, people around him, Yuuto in particular, knew that his harshness, his rudeness, and carelessness were all part of his costume, just as much as his make-up was. If Byou had opened his mouth during Yuuto's monologue, all that was likely to have come out was the sound of a cracking voice spouting unintelligible words, as it attempted a half-assed plea to think things over.
In the end, here he was aggravating himself, while the other was already being signed-up onto another label. "Oh well …" that had been Kazuki's nonchalant reply, the day before yesterday, when they had found out about Yuuto. Many a time Byou wished he had even the smallest amount of Kazuki's strength. Like nothing had happened, their lead guitarist and leader, had simply wished Yuuto the best, and kept laughing and joking with him unaffected until the very end, whereas Byou couldn't as much as bring himself to even look in the direction of their ex-bassist.
Little did it matter anymore anyway. All he needed to do at the moment was calmly insert the requested amount of money into the train-ticket vending machine, composedly get his ass to Osaka, and try to keep from vomiting in the process.
As he finally arrived to his destination, two hours and twenty minutes later, the brunette smiled his way off the bullet train, and calmly walked out of the train station. Saying that he presently was happy to find himself in this city, would have surely been the greatest understatement of all times. He had nothing but fond memories of Osaka, and even though there had been times he had to work the hardest he'd ever worked, those moments had also brought about some of the best days of his life.
This was most definitely the place he wished to spend the rest of his life in, which was the second reason why he was in it at the moment. The first, being a much more fulfilling and gratifying one, and the key he had grabbed earlier, would lead him straight to it.
As he stood outside the station foolishly grinning, his stomach began to growl for attention. The poor thing, now that both his headache and nausea were gone, it was indeed about time to take care of it, since it had been the victim of a whole day worth of cheap-beer abuse. Thus, as he decided on taking a taxi towards his next destination, he first stopped to buy five boxes of takoyaki* at a nearby stand, and while he waited for the customary yellow vehicle, Byou embraced his boxes of food like his life depended on it, happily taking advantage of their fugitive heat.
The taxi-trip had been relatively quick considering the amount of snow that was covering the streets in Osaka, which, even in chill, was perhaps worse than Tokyo. But Byou didn't care, not now that he finally was in front of his real destination. He was perhaps a little overexcited, but he couldn't help it, he couldn’t help the dumb grin plastered on his face, or the hurried matter in which he climbed the stairs towards the sixth floor, instead of opting for the elevator.
Once he reached his destination, he stopped for a second, breathed, got rid of the dumb grin, and approached the second apartment door on the left side of the floor's corridor. Then, bringing out the key, he opened said door, and carefully allowed himself in.
“Mao-nii?” he instantly called out, loudly enough to be heard and not sound obnoxious “... Mao-nii~ ...” he chanted once more, this time in a regular tone, as he closed the door, and walked towards the elder's kitchen, where he left the takoyaki boxes on the closest counter.
After he'd taken off his jacket, and neatly placed it over one of the chairs at the dining table, he walked out the kitchen, towards the elder's bedroom just to find it empty. Hit by a fleeting sense of disappointed, Byou resolved, to finally appease his stomach, and begin eating by himself.
Comfortably sitting at Mao's dining table, Byou began to eat the contents of one of the takoyaki boxes, randomly looking around the kitchen, which he knew as well as his own, if not even better. Same as the rest of the apartment. Reason why he knew he wasn't going to be long entertained with anything in it, after all, the main reason why he was sitting in there at the moment, was its owner.
One hour and four boxes of takoyaki later, the vocalist restlessly began to tap the tip of his fingers on the dining table, while his left leg resumed to subconsciously shake, as he suddenly found himself wishing that he had his cell phone so that he could call the elder and ordered him to get his ass back home.
As soon as he'd finished that thought, and just before muttering a never-ending mantra of curse-words, Byou's heart instantly leaped, as he heard the front door open. It was indeed quite stupid and somewhat embarrassing to behaving like a high-school girl at the mere idea of being reunited with his significant other, but he didn't care. Moreover, it appeared that the elder liked him better this way, the way he really was, cute and cute-things-loving Byou.
“Is it finally Christmas? ...” smoothly inquired Sadie's vocalist as he walked into the kitchen genuinely smiling at Byou, whom was still sitting, smugly grinning and biting his lower lip as if trying to contain all his excitement.
“Mao-nii~” serenely chanted the younger, as the elder laughed and walked right behind his chair, where he began to tamper the younger's hair.
“Black uh? ...” nonchalantly observed the elder “... it's gloomy and sexy ...” he declared thereupon firmly pressing his right hand on Byou's lower neck, from where he slowly traveled up to his cheek, which he gently tilted to the side “... I like it” he then suggestively whispered into the younger's exposed ear, whom lightly smirked, wishing with all his might for the elder to carry on with his appreciations.
“I really, really really wanted to see you Mao-nii ...” Byou charmingly cooed turning to look up at the elder with a cunning pout, which however didn't last too long before he began to smirk, being affected by sudden shyness.
“Aren't you cute? ...” Mao rhetorically expressed, amusingly shaking his head, while holding the younger's chin, and slowly grazing his thumb over those newly pouting lips. With flawless composure, Mao was staring right at him, which the brunette wonder exactly what he saw in him when he did so. What was there to see in such a failure? “... I missed you too Byou-chan ” finally stated the elder, gingery releasing the younger's chin, and after having stared at him for a few seconds more, he walked away towards the remaining box of takoyaki, leaving Byou to feel strangely cold and abandoned “... you should have called me, or told me that you were coming … I would have come and picked you up, or at least got ready for you, or something ...” pointed out the elder, his gaze concentrating on his food.
“I couldn't wait, and I had nothing else to do so ...” Byou promptly replied sounding vague, his gaze shifting away from the elder and stopping on his own empty boxes, wondering whether he was erroneously expecting for the elder to be perhaps a bit more excited about his presence. Coming here was all that he had been longing to do ever since shit started rolling, and now that he finally was, now that he was finally before the person he craved to be with for so long, what exactly was he going to do? What was it that he wanted from Mao? A kiss? Sex? Comforting words?
What exactly had he got on a train, and traveled hundreds of miles for?
“Is that so? ...” replied the elder in plain curiosity, his gaze now steady, but unfocused, on Byou, whom however was too busy trying not to drown into those disturbing thoughts which he thought he'd successfully ran away from. Yet, they there were. still strong and alive, tormenting him, laughing at him, reminding him how useless and lonely a being he was “alright then ...” solemnly replied the elder, nodding in agreement “... let's go warm up a bit, it's too fucking cold to go anywhere” Mao announced as the brunette, mechanically nodded, while getting to his feet and following the elder out of the kitchen “hey you, where are you going? ...” suddenly inquired the elder.
Instantly turning around, Byou observed Mao standing at in the opposite directions, thus the brunette confusingly turned his head in the direction he had been headed towards, so as to make sure that the living room was indeed were it always knew it to have been.
“Just follow me, beautiful-long-legs-san ...” calmly instructed Mao, as he resumed walking into the other side of the apartment. As he followed, it then dumbly occurred to the brunette that the bedroom was down there, hence the other intensely warming activity that would take place in there.
On a regular day, a day in which he didn't feel like spinning off the face of the planet, this would have been quite alluring. However at the moment, he didn't quite know whether to feel elated or not about the prospect of having sex, which helped answering a part of his previous question; he apparently, and strangely, wasn’t there for sex.
He was however proven wrong once again, when he felt his wrist being pulled away from the bedroom's threshold and inside the bathroom. Standing silent and staring transfixed at the elder, whom was filling up his bathtub, Byou leaned on the bathroom's wall, his minds pleasantly empty at the moment, but also watchful not to turn to face the big ass mirror on his right, which made him realize another thing about his quest; he wanted nothing to do with mirrors.
“Need me to come take off your clothes Byou-chan? ...” Mao cynically inquired, smirking as he glimpsed back at the younger while removing his own clothes.
“I thought you'd never ask, but whatever, I'm a big boy now anyways ...” spitefully joked the brunette, beginning to unclothe himself, and as always being mindful not to clutter the elder's surrounding, he neatly folded his garments, and placed them over the washing-machine's top. Then, naked he walked towards the bathtub, inside which Mao was already cozily seated, and quite obviously enjoying the view.
“Here's one sight I'll never get tired off ...” smirked the elder, as the brunette gingerly got in, pleasurably hissing as the heath slowly submerged his cool limbs.
“Quite the uplifting one, ain't it?” Byou sarcastically remarked, as he allowed himself to comfortably soak on the other end of the tub, while the elder merely rolled his eyes with pretense peevishness.
“O, what the hell might I have done to you that you keep staying away from me?...” inquired the elder feigning mortification , as the brunette merely smiled and shrugged “... I swear Byou-chan, I drooled while touching Mizuki for only a hour every day, nothing more” he then teased, as Byou tried to act offended while turning to look away, but was flatly betrayed by his own uncontrolled grin “... come over here” then tenderly requested the elder, tenderness, which the brunette was awfully to weak about, as he obeyed without any more fussing.
As he got to the other side, Byou scooted lower in order to match his height with Mao's, then snuggled his back on the elder's chest, rested his head on his shoulder, and tried unsuccessfully to ignore the blond's hard-on “someone's excited already ...” nonchalantly commented the brunette, lightly laughing as he languidly grazed his nose on the elder's ear.
“Why fuck ...” Mao lewdly muttered, as he snaked his hands between the brunette's inner thighs “... try being inside a hot tub, naked, with the sexiest man alive then tell me ...” he sensually pointed out while he began to massage the area, randomly grazing the younger's awakening manhood, whom simply smiled and closed his eyes, relishing in the tantalizing feeling, as he subconsciously spread his legs a bit wider.
“Well you'll soon get used to it Mao-nii ...” lowly moaned the younger, after which he began to leisurely suck on the elder's neck, but suddenly interrupted himself to groan as he felt both the other's hands around the throbbing muscle between his legs.
“How so? ...” huskily questioned the elder, as he gradually began to pump said muscle, while the younger's toe curled, and his hands tried to hang on to something.
Soon, Mao's movements gained speed, while the brunette mercilessly bit down on his own lower lip, as the older used his own thighs to keep him from slipping away. Byou's head then quickly turned away from the elder face, exposing his neck, on which the elder latched his teeth, and began sucking, while his jerks around the younger's erection accelerated.
Heavily breathing, and restlessly moaning, Byou's eyes refused to open as his mouth and legs did. Finding himself melting away at Mao's heeding, the brunette thought over his I-need-not-sex. Indeed, he still thought he didn't need it, not causal sex for the sake of fucking sex. And this was now a shocker to himself as well but, it appeared that what he was looking for someone to care.
Care for him to the point of seeking for pleasure, but at the same time make him feel as much if not more. Someone, who knew him inside out, and never got tired of repeating the same shit over and over again. Someone, who no matter what, would always be happy to see him, and truly mean it, devoid of hidden intentions. What Byou had been seeking, as selfish and sad a thing as it sounded, was for someone to whom would put him before anything else.
“Nhh ...” hissed the brunette, as he tried to keep himself from loudly moan as he finally reached his climax, and repositioned his heavily panting head on the elder's shoulder, his wet forehead resting on the other's cheek “Please let me stay with you forever ...” Byou then stated, trying not to sound pleading, but very likely failing.
“That sounded way too serious ...” amusingly observed the elder, as he stroked the younger's damp hair.
“Never been more serious ...” genuinely stated the brunette, while firmly keeping his forehead on the elder, in order to avoid looking at him “... that's why I came here, to stay in Osaka with you, forever. Fuck Tokyo, not going back there anymore, I'm done.” simply explained the younger.
“What about SCREW?” Mao then calmly inquired a couple of silent seconds later.
“Our darling Yuuto left us, didn't you hear? And now that he is in another band where he can cheerfully sing happy songs, while skipping around holding hands with his new band-mates, and keeping it strictly pg-13, I should be left looking for another fucking member, for the third fucking time? I don't think so” heatedly expressed the brunette, irritatingly lifting away from the elder.
“Nothing wrong with following your dreams Byou-chan ...” as calmly replied the elder “if that is what Yuuto felt comfortable with doing, then so be it … the only thing, unfortunately, is that dream-following can result to be like love and war in which, someone, will always end up fucked” explained the elder, successfully pulling a stubborn smile out of the brunette “plus, he really was becoming an eyesore, I swear, it was like there was a constant black cloud over his speechless stone face, I mean … if you have to be a statue, do it with fucking grace for crying out loud, just like the GazettE's Uruha, whom, every so often smiles but, always looks pretty ...” jokingly stated the elder, making the other lightly laugh this time “... so, good riddance, I'd say”.
“Whatever ...” plainly brushed off the brunette, moving aside as the elder climbed out the bathtub “... I'm still not going back … I'm … just so fed up with having to start over ...” he added, feeling a sudden fire ignite within, its raging flames wanting him to blast out whatever it was that had been distressing him thus far “... I'm just tired of feeling like I can only produce failure … like I'm not good enough …” he then finally admitted, tightly biting his trembling lower lip, as he felt that familiar itch in his throat, in the company of tears building at the corner of his eyes “... to have something, or someone, else be chosen over me … tired of fearing that I might possibly have to feel like this again … and again ...” he then concluded, as he began to feel the water receding, and a towel delicately placed on his features, gingerly pressing around his orbs.
“You are such a handful, honey ...” serenely expressed Mao, as he gently dried around the younger's face, finally placing the red cloth around Byou's neck, and with both its ends, he then resumed with drying the brunette's cheeks “... why are you trying to make me go all grandma-Yoshiko on your marvelous ass? ...” he then questioned teasingly shaking his head, as the younger stared at him innocently smiling in confusion “Grandma-Yoshiko is my father's mother and an amazing woman I tell ya. Currently, she lives in Kobe, all by herself, since grandpa passed away long ago, but you'll never find her frown or complain, she is always smiling, and visibly delighted to have us around when we go, as any grandmother would I suppose ...” proudly concluded the elder.
“If she is Mao-nii's grandmother, she can be nothing other than an amazing woman ...” sincerely expressed Byou, while resting his face into the elder's towel covered hands, which were still massaging his cheeks.
“I don't know about that … but yeah she is pretty epic” reaffirmed the elder “... out of the many theories of life she has shared with me, there is this one about each person being a particular flower” expressed the blond, as the younger tightly pressed his lips, quite obviously trying his best not to laugh “... don't you dare!” Mao playfully warned “you are the one who went all emo on me, so now you'll listen to what grandma-Yoshiko had once told me”
“Hai” obediently replied and smiled the brunette, as he was pulled out of the tub, to his immense pleasure dried up some more, and then brought in front of the bathroom's main mirror “Why are we in front of a mirror” quickly inquired the younger, shifting his gaze away from the glass object on to the shorter in slight agitation.
“Don't look at me ...” calmly instructed the blond, grabbing the taller's chin and nudging it so that its face was now firmly facing the same mirror, which Byou had been trying his mighty best to avoid “... it's through the mirror that you can see your flower nature” Mao added “... what flower do you see?” he then plainly inquired.
On an impulse, the brunette tried to move his head from staring at said mirror, but Mao hand had a much stronger grip than he had imagined. Thus, resignedly sighing, he absently looked at his reflection in the mirror, and a few goose bumps later, not able to handle his reflection any longer, he promptly thought of the most logical answer to such a question. This was supposed to something to comfort him, thus, it seemed logical to go for the most beautiful of roses.
“A red rose” instantly replied Byou, making the elder loudly snort.
“You are not Mizuki, Byou-chan … ” stated the elder, at which the brunette wasn't quite how to react suddenly realizing that he wouldn't have minded being a rose, which added to his serious of current self-confidence issues. Why was Mizuki a red rose, and he wasn't? So then, what was he? Now, he was curious; and somewhat scared “... roses are beautiful, no doubt, but they need constant maintenance, if not they'll wither quickly, moreover they are quite prissy, and if not handled with extreme caution, or protection, they'll easy draw blood from you … and that's not you … look better …” kindly suggested the elder, and for the first time in two days, Byou intently stared at his own reflection.
Still slightly disturbed by his own image, the brunette subconsciously swallowed as he concentrated on himself. Many were the things he would have liked to have been, many of which he knew very well he won't or simply couldn't. Yet that was the face he was provided with, that facing right back at him, was the person he was, and knowing what made it any worth being, presently seemed quite appealing “I can't see anything … I … I don't know ...” genuinely mumbled the younger, as the blond finally released his grip, and still firmly standing behind Byou, he wrapped his arms around the taller's waist and faced the mirror as well.
“A daisy” Mao then confidently declared.
“A … daisy? ...” skeptically replied the brunette, as the image of a rather weak, small, bland and boring flower instantly came to mind “ … I guess that could make sense ...” he then dejectedly whispered to himself, surprising himself at how accepting he was of the revelation, perhaps because it confirmed his conviction of himself not being worth much after all.
“Yes ...” Mao replied with a soft smile “... daisies are constantly taken for granted, stepped on, stripped of their petals just to know ”does he or she loves me or not?”, as if the poor things could really predict something as complex” began to explain the elder, as Byou tried his hardest to figure out how was this supposed to make him feel any better, if not just good about himself “yet out of all the flowers in this world, they keep living on, without the help of anyone, no matter how many times you step on them, no matter how many you strip of their ground, low and behold they'll come back, as if telling us that “you can do all you want, but we ain't going anywhere!” … they are fierce, strong … and hard-head, yet so delicate at the same time, beautiful in their simplicity … and even though we unfortunately give them so much for granted … can you really imagine a world without them?” he then finally questioned, as a trembling smile surfaced on the brunette's features “... thought as much, cause I sure can't” he then tenderly smiled, stamping his lips on Byou's naked arm.
Quickly cleaning off a fugitive tear from his cheek, Byou gratefully smiled at the elder's reflection in the mirror. He also smiled at himself, while shaking his head, appreciatively amazed at the immense healing power that words could possess.
“So now that you get that, you see why you can't just leave poor Kazuki crazily running around all by himself, trying all in his power to keep this unique band, with so much potential, going ... and think about Jin, he is sure trying his mighty best to keep smiling for everyone, and what about Manabu? He practically just got here … do you really want his journey to be this short? ...” pointed out the elder, as the brunette silently shook his head like a child whom was being scolded “... then you need to go back, and do what you gotta do, my … black daisy” snickered Mao, as he took a few strands of Byou's newly dyed hair in his hands.
“Hai hai ...” breathed out the brunette, wrapping his arms backwards to circle the elder's waist “... but if I find out that this was just an excuse to have me out and Mizuki in, I'll extinguish you!” Byou playfully warned, as they both begin to laugh “... what flower are you anyways?” he then asked in utmost wonder.
“You can't see it?!” exclaimed the blond in pretense shock, as the younger simply laughed while shaking his head “... well then you must train in mirror-watching, and only then, the answer you shall find” loudly proclaimed the shorter vocalist in feign authority, sounding much like Star Wars' Yoda.
“But I want to know ...” whined the brunette, as the elder, unwrapped himself from him, tied a towel around his lower half, and began to walk out of the room, smirking, with both his hands folded behind himself “... Ma-Mao-nii!!” loudly called the elder, quickly wrapping his own towel, and following the blond into his bedroom for a second round of heated displays of affection.
Listlessly keeping one side of his face one with the cold train-window, Byou observed unmoving out of it, until the gradually disappearing image, of a vividly waving Mao, was completely gone. Having newly found motivation, as well as a reason to go back to Tokyo, still didn't change the fact that Osaka was indeed the place where he'd want to eventually stay, and Mao, without a doubt, was the only sun, soil, and rain that could keep a wild black daisy, such as himself, prospering.
From: Mao-nii
To: Me
I was waving like a crazy man, and you didn't even as much as raised a finger … you are so not cute (>皿< )
Smirking at the text message, he then pressed the reply button as he thought of a reply. He could have easily told the elder that the reason why he didn’t do anything and simply stared, was because he knew he was on the verge of tears, and he absolutely didn't want to start crying. Childish. But then again, that was just the way he was, wasn't it? And good or bad, the elder, and many others liked him just the way he was, right? And in the end, didn't he just like himself the way he was as well?
Raising the camera in front of himself, the brunette stuck his tongue out, made a funny expression, and took a picture, which he sent to the elder, and a good two hours of pictures exchanging, overly-cute texting, and pointless phone calls later, the brunette was back in Tokyo. Loudly sighing, Byou shoved his hands into the pockets of his bomber and lowly mumbled all sorts of insults because of not having been able to get a few more boxes of takoyaki. As he walked out the station, and the frigid air station hit him full force, the brunette thought to himself that Tokyo indeed sucked after all, but he was going to make it suck harder. Promise.
So it was that, two hours following his return to his home town, Byou was now irritatedly tapping his foot to the ground as he hesitantly stood in front of his neighborhood’s Starbucks, his brain desperately trying to make sense out of the nonsensical series of events, which had brought him to this.
“I don't really mind you all being here, but … why are you here?” Byou calmly questioned, lighting a cigarette, while observing and awaiting a reply from the trio. Jin and Manabu incidentally glimpsed at each other looking unmistakably clueless as they then shifted their gaze on Kazuki, whom was innocently smiling, trying to appear as if he as well knew nothing about the fact that, even though Byou had indeed left the apartment open, he was presently sitting inside someone else's house.
“Oh yeah yeah yeah ...” Kazuki then suddenly exclaimed, as if the reason had suddenly bounced inside his skull “Well, my children, and kaa-chan*... ” pompously began to announce the leader, looking at Byou when referring to "kaa-chan" “... it so happens that I , your devoted tou-chan**, might have found our new bassist, and I would like for all of us to go and meet him, today at four o'cock.” explained the guitarist, at which announcement Manabu gave an instant and rather explicit "what-the-fuck" look in reply.
“Why do you always do things half-assedly ...” quickly commented the second guitarist “... I need to go pick up my guitar, and it has to be today if I don't they won't be available until next week, with a late fee, I told you that like three days ago ...” composedly whined the younger.
“Sir, you have a valid point ...” promptly and loudly replied Kauzki, with the tone and mannerism of an auctioneer.
“You also have to, you know … go to that place, with me ...” lowly added Jin, making weird eyes, and movement suspicious enough to have alerted a blindfolded spy.
“Ma'am, you also have a point!” instantly replied Kazuki, in the same auctioneer manner “... so ma'am over there, it appears you are our prize winner for today!” he then excitedly stated, clapping his hands as he walked towards an incredibly not amused Byou “... yeah ... it seems I didn’t calculate this too well. However, since you apparently have the free time, and nerves, to just pick up and go all the way to Osaka, you will have no problems with going to meet this boy at the Starbucks three blocks away from here, in about ….” Kazuki then paused to quickly glimpse at his watch “... forty-three minutes, Right?” he then announced with the widest and creepiest smile ever conceivable. An implicitly angry Kazuki was never a sight to see.
“You 'didn't calculate this too well' my ass ...” irritatedly observed the newly brunette under his breath, while breathing out smoke from his cigarette “... but I guess that's what I get uh ...” unenthusiastically expressed the vocalist slightly shaking his head at the still innocently smiling guitarist.
“Well Byou-chan, yoroshiku***~ ...” Kazuki declared, as he turned towards the exit “... only thing I am sorry about is having woken up Manabu-bu-bu-bu ...” cooed the elder as he began to pester an even less amused second guitarist “... anyways, we are out, you, don’t be late! He is the cutest thing, you'll love him~” concluded Kazuki, as he stepped out the apartment dragging Jin, and lead by a speed-walking Manabu.
Visibly sighing in exasperation for the third time since he'd reached the cafe, the newly turned brunette randomly turned his head to face the inside of the store, when his absently wandering eyes stopped on the gentle smiling expression of a blond boy, whose hand was lifted half-way in sign of greeting. After promptly nodding in reply, Byou then took a mental deep breath, and walked into the Starbucks.
“Konnichiwa ...” greeted Byou once he sat facing the blond, whom silently smiled and nodded in reply, with both his hands tightly holding the venti sized coffee on the table. As he removed his scarf, and opened his bomber jacket, the brunette took a good look at the blond. He was doubtlessly cute, but so had been Yuuto. “So ... what in your wrong mind made you want to try and join our band?” Byou then plainly inquired, obviously wanting to get straight to the point, even though, on a second thought, jumping the customary introduction was perhaps not the smartest of ideas, since he had no good clue what this boy's name was. Fucking Kazuki, always omitting important information.
The boy remained silent for a second, while humbly staring at his coffee, before he gingerly lifted his gaze up to the vocalist's and began to talk “I honestly really just want to play the bass. That's what I'd like to spend the rest of my life doing ...” sincerely replied the blond, in a quite respectful manner, even though all that Byou could think of was that this boy was seriously way too cute, starting from his smile all the way to his mannerism. Yabai****.
“So you're saying that you'll withstand being groped, kissed and potentially raped on stage ...” exaggerated Byou, perhaps sounding and looking much more serious than he was meant to have been. Yet, it was indeed much better to find someone whom would be ready and willing to face "the worst".
The boy lightly laughed while blinking in slight confusion and then replied “... only if you promise you actually will” he then teased, sounding and looking much more confident than a few seconds ago.
“I'm being serious you know ...” Byou lightly smirked, finally feeling like it was perhaps alright to relax “... we may not "rape you", but kissing will be at the order of the day ...” explained the vocalist, as the other firmly nodded, while lightly widening is eyes in order to express that he was well aware of the aforementioned “Okay, so what if I were to kiss you, right here and right now, in this Starbucks” then challenged the brunette.
“I would dare you to see who will stop first” readily replied the blond.
“Alright, you're on” as promptly replied Byou
“Okay” confidently answered the blond, as he cutely wet his lips, closed his eyes, and waited with a playful grin.
Lightly smirking in regards to this boy's boldness, Byou then lifted from his chair, and leaned into the blond, well aware that unnecessarily curious eyes were beginning to drift in his direction. Then, stopping right over the blond's lips but not touching them, the brunette began to speak.
“What's your name honey? ...” he sensually whispered, trying not to laugh while the other amusingly snorted, and still keeping his eyes closed he whispered.
“You can call me Rui ...”
“Alright Rui-chan ...” Byou resumed with the same sensual tone “... how about we take this somewhere else, before we are requested to do so ...” proposed the brunette with an alluring gaze, as he stared into the now open eyes of the blond, whom gently bit his lower lip, while grinning and nodding in agreement “Good” concluded the brunette, as they both got properly covered up, and waltzed out the coffee place.
“We sure gave them a show!” excitedly expressed the blond, as they began to walk down the street.
“Yeah ...” chuckled Byou, looking quite satisfied himself, while wondering whether it was too early, or even wrong, to feel so comfortable around this enthralling stranger “... yet, had it been a live, I would have kissed you for real” he then added, and instantly glimpsed at him to check on his reaction.
“I know ...” serenely nodded the blond “... still a bit disappointed that you actually didn't ...” Rui then cutely teased, as Byou shook his head in cheerful resignation. “So are we really going to your place? ...” curiously inquired the blond.
“Yup …” Byou calmly replied “... we'll discuss about the band more, and just hang out, in a much more comfortable environment ...” plainly replied the vocalist, as they stopped at a traffic light. In all honesty, the brunette already liked the vibes he was receiving from the blond, and even though he was aware that only the future could have showed what would happen if he were to choose Rui as their new bassist, somewhere deep within the vocalist wouldn't have minded some type of sign which would tell him that he wasn't about to screw up again, literally.
“Are we going down that alley?” inquire Rui in slight shock.
“Yeah ... the second complex on the right is where I live” calmly explained Byou, wandering as to the sudden reaction of the other.
“The complex behind the third on the right is where I live!” excitedly explained Rui, as they both looked at each other in disbelief at the peculiar coincidence, when a huge truck stopped right in front of them, blocking the crossing path as its driver darted out, and ran to its back.
“The fuck ...” annoyingly muttered Byou, dumbly stretching his neck to try and spot the traffic light “... how the fuck are we supposed to cross now. Tsk!”
“Hey, look at the name of the company on the truck!” suddenly pointed out the blond, as Byou shifted his wandering orbs the huge katakana letters spelling "Ruito*****" “Must be a sign …” serenely stated the blond, but of course the first thing that the brunette though was "coincidence" until his eyes stopped on the company[s logo; a daisy with black petals inside a square.
“Now that's one hell of a sign … ” Byou exclaimed, pointing a the logo, as the other looked at the sign in plain confusion. Ignoring the other's disarrayed expression, while grinning his contented self, the brunette embraced the optimistic feeling that were dashing all around him and caught into his over-excitement, the vocalist swiftly held Rui's hand, lead them around the truck, and progressively picked up speed in order to quickly get them to his complex.
It was on. Finally, once again. He had all the "signs" he needed, added to his newly found motivation in Osaka, and plenty of support, thus, any more time wasting was going to be excursively his fault. Tokyo was calling again, challenging him again, so it was time to play this game once more, time for the daisies to grow back.
Time to SCREW things up again.
Kaa-chan* - An endearing way of saying mother.
Tou-chan** - An endearing way of saying father.
Yoroshiku*** - Yoroshiku means LOADS of things, in this case, it means “we'll be counting on you”.
Yabai**** - Literally “dangerous” in Japanese, is used to express a situation that is either too good, or too bad. In this case, Byou feels like he might be influenced by the boy's cuteness.
Ruito***** - Rui of course is the name, but "to" in Japanese means "with" so basically the whole name could be read as "with Rui"
AN: HELLO. Yeah I disappeared again, but if ya'll knew how busy I am (_ _” ), not even funny, particularly when I still haven’t found a job, sigh … still working on it though. Anyways here is the Byo/ Mao story I had talked about. I am really proud of it, because I was particularly careful throughout it, so hopefully it flows smoothly (I'll go read again, before posting it) but yeah. Hope you'll like it.
PS - I saw that some of you commented on other stories, thank you so much, I'll go and reply to those some time today (hopefully), and inbox messages as well.
Much Love -LnK♥(~_^ )/-